One Hundred Ways For Not Falling In Love With You. Again

Start from the beginning

"Did you even think, maybe once that he's using you?"

"I-no. But Leo wouldn't do that"

"Did you forget how he treated you in high school, how terrible he was to you and the amount of humiliation he caused you?" Damn he made a valid point, I was so blinded by his sweet gestures that all my logic went out the window.

Leo sent over a large bouquet of flowers and chocolates last night after we spoke and this morning he sent over a dress for the dinner.

"He's using you Kay. You've got money now and you're an international model for Christ's sake! You do the math" he fumed pacing again.

Breaking the deafening silence, my phone rang.
It was Leo. What great timing.

"Answer it"

"No it's fine" I tucked it away in my back pocket.

Trent laughed bitterly "It's him isn't it?"
I looked away biting my lip nervously.

"You can see yourself out"

"Trent!" I yelled stopping him in his tracks

"Goodbye Kay" he slammed the bedroom door in my face.


I knocked on Trent's door later that night  to tell him I was leaving. Once he opened the door he eyed me up and down and scoffed shaking his head.

"Have fun" he closed the door leaving me alone in the hallway. Again.

Leo sent a limo to pick me up to drive me to the location. We stopped at a gated estate, the limo driver drove up the mansion sized house where  guests walked their way to the front door.

Kendyl look

Kendyl look

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A/N (For those of you asking me why she's white and not black remember Latinas come in all colors, so just because she has lighter skin does not mean she can't be Latina

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A/N (For those of you asking me why she's white and not black remember Latinas come in all colors, so just because she has lighter skin does not mean she can't be Latina. most Latinas have black roots so remember that too. Also this book is BWWM because it is a SERIES . So for the grace of god stop asking me this in my comments . Please read the description before writing something so stupid. I will not reply and your comment will be deleted and YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. Again it is a BWWM series, her best friend is also Latina but darker than her and Latinos can have white or half white roots as well. Know your history before you comment stupid shît thanks ❤️)

"Kendyl you came"
Leo appeared from behind me.

"Hey" I have him a hug, he unexpectedly kissed my cheek.

A group of three girls stood off in the corner whispering and watching us.

The blonde, the leader. Walked over to us resting her hand in Leo's shoulder.

"Leo you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend" she grinned mockingly, glaring. He blue eyes said something different than her smile.

Her two followers, two twin brunettes, came up behind me.

"Celesta what is this?"

"Nothing! The girls and I wanted to say hello" she said batting her long blonde lashes.

"She's not just any friend, she's my girl"

"Oh.Oohhh" she said teasingly sipping her glass of champagne conspicuously.

"Your dress is so pretty. It would be shame for it to get ruined" twin A said messing with my dress straps.

"Thanks" I brushed her hands off walking towards Leo, to shield me.

"Girls come on leave her alone" he begged glaring at them.

"What we're just trying to make conversation" Celesta smirked bumping Leo's shoulder playfully spilling her drink all over the side of my dress.

"You bîtch!" I screamed wiping the cold liquid off my arm.
"Oops. Clumsy me" she laughed.

"Celesta!" Leo hissed pulling to the side in frustration.

A small crowd of people around us got silent to the watch the scene play out.

This was embarrassing, I am beyond humiliated. Leo disappeared and I was standing in a stained dress.

It was silk for crying out loud, this will be hell to get out.

I ran to the nearest bathroom. Wetting a paper towel to dab at the stain. To no avail it was not coming out.

"Club soda" a small voice said from behind me. Twin B appeared from behind me. She entered the bathroom silently walking over to the sink.

"Celesta can be a bîtch sometimes. I'm sorry, here let me help." She began rubbing the stain even more into my dress , it seemed to be getting worse.

"Hey I don't think it's working"

"yeah sorry. I'm jasmin by the way" she shook my hand, her grip was extremely firm.

"I know" she grinned touching my shoulder apologetically

"Hey I'm sorry about my sister"

"It's cool. This dress wasn't that expensive anyway.

Lie. This dress cost me $500. Half my check for this week.

"Hug?" Her eyes were warm and smile tender.

I grinned "sure"
As soon as she hugged me I instantly regretted it. She grabbed the straps of my dress and ripped it. The ripping sound took me by surprise.


"Oops my fingers slipped" she laughed. A moment later her sister came in with her cellphone recording me.

I hid my face and ran  to grab my jacket and left. They humiliated me. This was like high school all over again.

Where the hell was Leo!

I left the party and began to walk. The straps of my dress constantly falling down  my shoulders

"I hate this shit. People suck"
My phone vibrated from my purse, Leo's name lit up the screen. I hesitantly answered.

"Where are you Kay. I've been looking for you. Jasmin said you went home"

Tears began to cloud my vision

"Oh Um yeah I wasn't feeling well so I decided it was best for me to leave.

"You should of told me love"

"I couldn't find you" I bit back the bile that arose on my throat.

"Okay then. Get home safe"

I wiped the tears from my eyes
"Thanks" ending the call I text Trent

"Im sorry"

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