"Enough!" Nerida shrieked, the sound ringing out through the room. Avery looked to his mother, his eyes wide. Rin had a pleased look on his face; his mother was finally seeing Avery for the monster he truly was. "Avery, I have spent the last three years denying all the claims that have been brought to me by countless women that you have been hurting them. I could never believe that my son would do such a thing. My son?!"

"Mother, I wouldn't. You can't believe her, she did something and now regrets it that her sweet promised prince is back!" He spat sarcastically, holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose.

"I said enough!" She roared. "I have known Shaylee since she was a child, and I've known you since birth. I knew I should have had you blessed more, or maybe even taken away. You are the monster they promised me you'd become."

"Darling," Elvin warned quietly.

"No, Elvin. Tana, Shaylee, I am so sorry. Had I known, had I believed, I assure you, I would have never brought Avery here. When Avery was born, I had an Elder come to see his light. His was...it was dark. I asked if there was any hope for him to find the light, and was assured with enough blessings and corrections, anyone could find the light. I should have kept at it for at least fifteen years, I know, but Shaylee, after he met you, he seemed to have turned around... I thought he'd found the light on his own and he didn't need the blessings anymore."

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Avery asked, horrified.

"You're a dark soul, Avery, and I should have let the Elders take you. I tried to change you, but I know now that you were just dark through and through. I thought Shaylee had been good for you, but your brother tells me you were obsessed with her. Stalking her every move, just happening to be where she is. It was no coincidence, Shaylee. I really do apologize, but I thought it was harmless. I thought he was a young boy in love. After you left, it took about a year or two for the reports to start filing in and I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it. He had been such an angel at home with us that I just couldn't see it." Nerida was crying now, the act looking oddly heavenly on the woman.

"It's just as much my fault, my darling. We should have taken action much sooner than now."

"What action? Mother, you can't be serious. What is the meaning of this?"

Nerida blew out a breath, steadying herself as her tears settled. "I'm saying that I cannot continue on with you in my home, in my kingdom, knowing what I know. I refuse."

Mouth agape, he turned to Elvin. "Father?!"

He nodded curtly, anger etched in his features. "You've made a mockery of this family, our kingdom, our people, and worse yet, our hosts and longtime friends. You will not be returning to our home. As of today, Avery, you are stripped of your title as prince. If you so much as step foot into our castle, you will be removed immediately."

"And who are you going to leave the kingdom to, this little shit?!" He shouted, enraged, pointing to Rin. "You traitor! You big-mouthed, disloyal, bastard!"

Rin smiled sweetly at Avery, crossing his arms against his chest. "To you, yes. To my family and my people, never."

"And what will I do?!"

"With your parents' permission, your punishment will be handled by this kingdom. We will treat you as a commoner, Avery." Tana spoke, stepping forward.

"Do as you see fit, Tana. We deeply apologize once more, Shaylee, and do hope that you'll invite us into your home in the future." Elvin begged somberly, turning towards the young queen.

She smiled tearfully, taking turns to wrap each Alvar, save Avery, in her arms tightly. "Thank you for believing me," she whispered in Nerida's ear. "Once I am settled in Naida, old traditions will be restored. I will have a formal ball to celebrate." They smiled at her in thanks and nodded towards Tana and Ty before they left with Rin following quickly behind them.

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