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"Fuck you." Shay's last words to him were ringing in his ears as he showered, quickly cleaning himself before going after Shay. The words had cut straight to his heart, sharper and more painful simply for the fact that crass language rarely left her lips. Ty had watched her leave, letting her walk away instead of swallowing his own pride and going after her. He had been alone for a few minutes before his pride dissipated and he jumped in the shower to clean himself up before going after her.

He quickly dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt before rushing across the hall to bang on her door. "Shay, I'm sorry. Can we talk?" He was met with silence. Ty turned the doorknob, momentarily pleased at this small victory. He opened the door, ready to unleash a string of apologies. Disappointment was clear on his face when he saw the empty room.

"Goddamnit." He turned away, closing the door behind him. He started walking down the hall, the desire for a specific direction unnecessary. He wasn't familiar with what rooms were what in the castle, but he thought he could make himself to the Hall without a problem. There, he'd start looking for Shay. While walking, he blindly bumped into Jacob.

"Oh, Ty- Aiden!" Jacob corrected quickly, a flush creeping up his face. "Aiden, is there something you needed?"

Ty shook his head. "Just trying to get to the Hall, I guess."

Jacob smiled comfortingly at him and Ty could hear the unspoken words that he was going the wrong way. "May I accompany you?" Ty nodded, letting the shorter man take the lead. They walked in silence, Ty mildly amused by Jacob's coattail flapping as they walked. "If I may, sir. You look rather troubled. May I offer my ear?"

Ty lifted an eyebrow, distracted by the way Jacob spoke. "Everything is fine, Jacob."

He nodded, letting out a quiet sigh. "I've heard of human males refusing to express their thoughts and feelings. The offer remains, should you ever need it. I will say," Jacob hesitated before continuing. "Shaylee is a spitfire. She always has been, but she isn't quick to anger, nor does she stay angry. When she does get angry, however, she is..." Jacob had to glance sideways to meet Ty's eyes, the wordless warning darkening his irises.

Ty crossed his arms against his chest, nodding his head as they walked. "You've been with Shay for years, haven't you?"

"Yes, sir. She's been this way since she could talk. Whatever is it, give her time. She will come around." They stopped walking, reaching the Hall. "She's loved you for years. I understand this idea is foreign to you, but you two were promised together for a reason. IT was a dying practice, but for you, for Shaylee, it was necessary. Understand this, and maybe you can learn to accept who you are, and her love for you."

Ty was alone once again, and he let out a heavy sigh, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he finished the short walk to the kitchen. It was late, and he hadn't expected to find anyone in the kitchen. To his surprise, Shay was hunched over a large mixing bowl, flour sprinkled on the countertop and freckled across her face.

He stood silently, enjoying her natural ease as she baked. Her pink skin seemed to be pinker than usual at her cheeks and he felt a pang of guilt knowing it was his own fault. Against the white of the cabinets and the pale cream of the countertops, Shay was the striking image of beauty. If asked later, Ty wouldn't be able to tell you if the appliances were stainless steel or copper, what fruits lay in the fruit bowl – or if there was one – he wouldn't even be able to say if there was anything on the walls.

He could, however, recount the way Shay's dark hair clung to her forehead in little wisps and the perfect little 'o' her lips were puckered to in her concentration. He'd be able to say with confidence that the teal blouse she wore hugged her in all the right places, accentuating the swell of her breasts now it was unbuttoned. He couldn't see it, but he knew her cream skirt was hugging her hips, covering the ass that he had just been inside.

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