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~Reader's pov~


I looked at my bleeding finger as the blood flowed down to my thumb.

"Hm..." I hummed as I wrapped the thorny vine around my hand, causing it to bleed again.

"Gah!" I gasped as the big thorn cutted a deep wound on my palm.

.  .  .

"Why do you that?" Someone asked from behind. I turned around and saw a guy my age staring at my bleeding hand.

"Why do you care?" I snapped. He took a step back and said

"Let me help you" he offered

"N-no, thank you" I said and snatched my bleeding hand away

"C'mon I can help you" he smiled. How could this guy be smiling at me when I was mean to him?

"What's your name?" The guy asked "I'm (crush's name) by the way" he introduced himself.

"I'm (y/n)" I answered

"Well, now that we know each other can I help you now?"

(crush) took my bleeding hand gently to his and inspected it. He turned it around a couple of times before facing me again.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" (crush) asked. He took his white handkerchief and wrapped it around my bleeding arm. The white handkerchief turned bloody red in just mere seconds. (crush) put some pressure to my hand to stop the bleeding. I looked at (crush) as he smiled at me.

"We need this stiched. C'mon I'll bring you to the clinic" (crush) said. I followed behind quietly.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked

"Because everybody needs a friend, not thorns..."



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