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Yay! first chappie. Hope you'll like it hehe

~Reader's pov~

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

"Wanna play?" I asked. He barked a laugh in agreement. I threw the ball for him to catch, and as fast as a lightning he caught it in his mouth.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

"What would you like to eat?" I asked. He pointed to a box using his nose that made me laugh. I gave him his food and enjoyed our breakfast.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

"Feels good?" I asked. He cuddled to my arms in response. I stroked his hair while he slept on my lap.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Kight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

"I love you!" I said. He closed his eyes and sat infront of me. I waited for his response, and I got a kiss from him on the cheeks.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

"I'll see you later!" I said. He frowned in response. I petted his head and waved goodbye.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shining armor...

He's my Shield

I walked when the light turned red. Lot's of people chatted. I thought about him alone sleeping on my bed.


"Watch out!" "Run!" "Help her!" "What the?!"


The next thing I knew Shield was dead.

He was my Protector

He was my Guard

He was my Knight in shinning armor...

He's my Shield

I stood by his gravestone and cried. Shield was dead was the only thing I think in my head. I traced his gravestone letters and said

"I love you, Shield. You're the bestest best friend I ever had"

I took his picture with me out of my wallet and clutched it on my chest

"You're my Protector, your my Guard, your my Knight in shinning armor... your m-my Shield..."


So how was first chappie? like it? hate it? again guys these were just made in my imagination, I don't know if by any chance these stories happened in real life.


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