13x13 - Devils Bargain

Start from the beginning

"Right now, all that matters is getting Jack and your mother out of that place. Kay? Look, I promised Kelly that I would protect her son. I intend to keep that promise" they get cut off as the door opens and Sam and Donatello comes in. Cas lets her hand slip away from Dean's face as they turn towards them.

"Hey, there he is. Donny, how you doing?" Dean greets him.

"Uh, the usual. Bewildered"

"Right, cool. So here's the plan. We nab Lucifer" Dean starts.

"If he is as weak as Cas says, then the angel cuffs should work on him" Sam continues.

"Yeah, maybe" Cas comments.

"Well, maybe is all we got. So, we grab Satan, we use his grace to open a door between the two universes okay? Then we get mom and we get Jack then we get out. Slam the door before Michael follows us and destroys our universe. Now it's gonna be harder than it sounds" Dean finishes.

"And so the spell to open this rift is in the angel tablet" Donatello comments.

"Yeah, they are – um – on earth 2. Except"

"Except we don't have the angel tablet anymore" Cas finishes for Sam.

"No, we don't. But we do have the demon tablet" Sam uncovers the tablet sitting on the table, Donatello picks it up.

"We thought it might mention the spell as well, because it, too, is the word of god" Cas explains.

"And since you speak god, we figured it was right up your alley. So, give it a swing" Dean tells him.

"These glyphs are nearly impenetrable" Donatello comments.

"Great, um...is there anything we can get you, or uh—" Sam asks him.

"Chicken wings"

"Excuse me?" Dean asks.

"Chicken wings. Heavy lifting like this requires real brain fuel. My analysis of the half lives of the 33 arsenic isotopes – about, oh, 25 buckets" Donatello tells them.

Angel radio suddenly goes off in Cas, "Cas you alright?" Sam asks her, noticing the sudden change in her.

"It's angel radio. A vessel was found last night, mutilated" Cas tells them.

"Wait...who's killing angels?" Donatello asks.


Lane Were Cupid Was Killed

"So according to the report, the vic died from trauma. Something blunt driven through the body. There was also a slit in his neck, which means—" Sam explains.

"Lucifer fed on this angel's grace. Which means he's trying to restore his power and if he does—" Cas continues on from Sam.

"We're boned" Dean finishes.

"Exactly" Cas nods.


Elgin Hall

Sam, Dean and Cas come bursting through the doors, all three with angels blades drawn and are faced with Ketch.

"Heheh, it's only you"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks him.

"Do we really have to do all of this again? Last time we were together I saved your lives and you shot me. Doesn't that make us even?" Ketch asks.

"No, I guess not" Dean comments.

"Dean asked you a question. What are you doing here?" Sam repeats the question.

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