"But why?" I clenched my fist. "Even after what I did, they still went after me..."

Ruby's POV

We quickly made our way to the reception, only to see that team HWPE arrived there first. Wintria noticed us and waved.

"I'm guessing you guys received a text as well?" she hugged me.

"Yeah, I'm glad to know that he's awake." I said wiping a tear off my eye. "So which way to the infirmary?"

"We won't be going there," Perseus spoke up. "Looks like (Y/N) got his own room."

"I didn't know this building had private rooms?" Weiss commented.

"Neither did we, but apparently they just had them made before the school year started." Wintria answered. 

We made our way to the first room around the corner and knocked on the door. We heard a voice from the inside telling us to come in. 

"(Y/N)!" I ran up to him, hugging him.

The rest followed behind me, each greeting him.

I smacked (Y/N) on the head, causing everyone to flinch.

"H-Hey! What was that... for." (Y/N) complained, but stopped as his eyes met mine.

I couldn't hold back the tears as they started flowing down my cheeks, hitting the edge of the bed.

"R-Ruby...?" (Y/N) reached for my hand.

"How dare you!"

My sudden outburst caused his hand to stop midway as he retracted it back.

"Why did you just run off like that!?" I said angrily.

Your POV

As I tried to grab Ruby's hand to ask what happened, her sudden outburst caught me off guard.

"I..." was all that could escape from my mouth.

"They were worried sick!" she pointed to my team. "I was worried sick!"

"Ruby, calm down." Weiss tried to calm her, only for Ruby to glare at her.

"No, Weiss," I motioned at her to stop. "She's right, it's my fault."

"No it wasn't!" Etsuki teared up. "If I didn't read those names out loud, it wouldn't have reminded you of that bad memory!"

I didn't know what to do, seeing my teammate and my girlfriend cry, just because of my own stupidity.

"Guys closer." I told them.

They all looked confused, but approached the bed.


Their legs already hit the bed at this point.

"(Y-Y/N) this is far as we can-" I cut Etsuki off as I did my best to hug my team.

They must've noticed me struggling as they hugged back, with Wintria now tearing up as well.

"I-I'm sorry for what I've done, I truly am." I forced my tears back. "I shouldn't have done what I did."

"Oh shut up you idiot." Wintria said as we broke away from our group hug. "But the next time you pull something off like this..."

The atmosphere suddenly changed as flames formed in her eyes.

"We won't let you off that easy." she cracked her knuckles. "Especially for trashing our room."

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