Round 1: Entries

333 5 12

Mereana Clark

 Unable to hand in entry, possibly coming later.


Alvena Connor


Icarus Keii

 Okay so I'm not gonna lie. When i was told I'd have to take a train, i wasn't thrilled to say the least. That old guy Dumbledore said that all my fees would be provided by the school. And seen as though my parents were planning on staying dead, i would have to ask my head of house for things like hogsmeade permission. But back to the train. I turned up at 9 ¾ hours early. Dumbledore clued me in on the whole run through a wall bit. Nobody was around bar a few merchants. I clutched my guitar a little tighter. The silence is bloody unnerving. It's so fucking stressful that I should have been in my third year already. But no. The spell my mum used to cloak me didn't wear of until my 15th, which meant none of the enchanted hogwarts letters could find me. It's a fair point. Hard to send a letter to someone who's address is under a park bench in Brighton. I must have been staring into space because a hand waved in front of my face snaps me out of my trance.

"Sorry?" I ask. I must look pretty daft, I think, and i can feel the pink rise into my somewhat pale cheeks.

"I said, do you want anything, you look starved dear." The woman answered. She was short with plump cheeks and kind eyes. She gestures to a trolley full of food.

"I haven't got any money, I'm sorry" I say. The woman smiles at me and laughs slightly.

"That's not what i asked sweetie. I make the rounds on the Hogwarts express. And no student would sit there alone if they had somewhere nicer to be. So go on. Pick something."

"That's so kind of you. To tell the truth that's the most food I've seen in years. Umm. It all looms great but ill go with the blue... things. They look great." I smile as she hands me a bag. I glance at the packaging of the food id picked blindly. "celestial vanilla buns" the label reads.

"That's a very pretty guitar," she says "very odd to see a wizard guitarist, though"

"Thank you. It was my mother's" she gives me a sad smile, clearly noting the past tense.

"I never asked your name dear" she says, seeming keen to move onto a lighter subject.

"Icarus" i answer.

"Well Icarus, my name is Helene. You know you remind me of a childhood friend. You have the same smile. And she loved guitar as well." She says. "Dont suppose you know what house you're in?" She asks.

"Yes," i respond "Dumbledore brought the hat when he came to brief me. It was strange. It knew things about me. 'Was talking about me. Said something about wanting to fit in and not to stand out. It eventually decided Hufflepuff" and as if on queue, th train pulled in. I hadn't noticed the crowds before, but the mass of people suddenly now moving made me feel ill.

"Come on now, we best be boarding" said Helene, so i followed her through the crowd, dodging people, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I waved goodbye to Helene and made my way to the very back seats on the train. I will admit that i may have prayed for no-one to sit this far back. Of course this did not in fact happen. Two Gryffindors, a boy and a girl, a male ravenclaw, who was holding the Gryffindor boy's hand until he saw me and a rather shy looking slytherin girl, who didnt seem to look quite right, but i try not to judge and a hufflepuff boy.

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