"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you. You've helped me through everything to help me get to where I am now, which is why you're my bestest friend in the whole world. You stood with me when no one else wanted to. Thank you so much for everything." He hugs you tightly.

"Of course Asher, you mean so much to me ." You smile and hug back.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me." He smiles and then lets out a small chuckle.

"There's no one else in this world that I would call my best friend. Only you Ash." You smile, never wanting him to let go.

"Is that a promise?" Asher looks up and into your eyes. His eyes. You loved them. They were so perfect. He was perfect.

"Yes. Pinky promise." You held out your pinky, but he took your hand and held it.

"Princess..." Asher says, making you blush. He hadn't used that name in so long. The last time he ever used it was probably before your first boyfriend. Your ex never liked Asher, he didn't like him near you at all. You didn't like it. But overall he was an amazing guy. But you never liked  him as much as you liked Asher, your ex ended up cheating on you. It felt the worst. But Asher brought you through it. Asher was barely allowed to talk to you at the time, your ex decided that. So did Coco. So you both kind of drifted at the time. But your friendship eventually went back to the way it was.

"Asher? What is it?" You squeeze his hand.

"Well, I just... I don't want a pinky promise to be your only best friend. I don't want you to think I'm the only best friend you'll ever have or the only best friend your allowed to have." He shrugs and looks down. "I want to be your best friend, b-but only if it's forever." You saw his face getting a little red.

"That's one of the most sweetest things you've ever said, and of course it's forever. If anyone's considered my best friend, I want it to be forever. We'll be forever. That's a promise." You smile, he smiles back.

"Wanna go back in the house?" Asher asks. "Well, we probably should anyways, we've been out here for awhile and mom wants us to watch the little ones. Let's go." You both go down the ladder and walk back to the house. All of your parents were standing in the kitchen and talking. You assumed your dad got home early, so you didn't question it. You and Asher go and look for Avi and London, and they were just sitting in their room playing. You both walk in, Avi and London jump up, excited to see you.

"(Y/n)!!!" They both say at the same time and run over to you, giving you a hug.

"We missed you." London squeezes, you hug them both back.

"I missed the both of you, too." You laugh and look over to Asher, smiling. They both let go and sit back down, you and Asher sit with them.

"Wow you guys never give me hugs like that." Asher says, jokingly.

"Well, because you aren't (y/n)." Avi says and laughs.

"Ouch. I'm offended." Asher says.

"Oh, don't be." You hug Asher and rest your head on his shoulder. He rests his head on top of yours.

"Well at least I get these hugs from you." He laughs. You grab his phone and go onto his Snapchat. You take pictures with him and hang out with London and Avi until you hear a knock on the door. It was your dad.

"Uh honey? Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure, dad." You let go of Asher and go into the hallway with him. "What's wrong? And why are you home so early?"

"Well uh, my boss let me come home early to pack up for my business trip." He seemed upset, which made you upset.

"Business trip? Okay? How long will it be, and where?" You sighed, heavily. Not knowing what to expect.

"Well honey, I'll be gone for awhile. Let's just say, longer than the usual business trip." His voice seemed a little, quieter.

"So what? You'll be gone for two weeks?" You said hopeful. You didnt want him gone any longer than what you had just said.

"No. A lot longer. I'm gonna be gone for at least for a month. It depends on what happens during our meeting."

"Then is there a chance you'll be home sooner if the meeting goes well?" You felt like crying. Your dad hasn't been home for long, and he'd be leaving? For at least a month? Then a few weeks after Asher would too? Both of them gone?

"Uh, here's the thing. If the meeting goes well, I'll be staying a lot longer. If it doesn't, I might as well just, quit."

"What? Dad you're scaring me. Why would you just quit? You enjoy your job don't you?" You're dad was pretty successful and enjoyed his job. He was a desktop publisher. He designed flyers, logos, billboard advertisements, things like that. For a really good amount of money too. He was happy with it, but something was off. He wasn't happy at the moment.

"Listen (y/n). I might have the chance to get an even better pay, there's a new company and they want me to design their logo, if they like it they want me to work with them." He smiled, then frowned, "But I'm going against my boss if I do, he wasn't the one who proposed this to me, I got an email a few days ago from the company. So if the company doesn't like my design and don't accept me, he may end up firing me, or giving me a lower pay for quote on quote "betraying him" ." He sighed. You felt a lump in your throat, like when Asher said he'd be leaving.

"Well I'm glad you have this opportunity, just. I'll miss you." You hugged him and he hugged you. You wanted to cry, but you were at Asher's house.

"I'll miss you too. But we can call, I'll only be in LA. Not too far."

"Wait, if you get the job, we'll live in LA?"

"There's a possibility. Your mom and I have yet to discuss that." He let go and sighed.

"But what about home?" It only made you want to cry even more.

"We'll have to see about what we discuss, (y/n)." He seemed so emotionless about staying. He didn't care. Did he?

"I'm gonna go back now." You sighed.

"Okay honey, love you." He walked back downstairs into the kitchen.

"Love you too dad." You walked back into the room, slowly tearing up. Asher was standing right in front of the door. You just stood there, crying. He put his arms around you and held you.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping. I heard you and you sounded upset. Don't worry, I'm right here. Don't cry." He says, trying to make you feel better. But all you could really do was cry, and hug him back. He hugged you tightly. "Let's go back into my room." He says, bringing you to his room and holding you close.





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