Chapter 6 - Past Life

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I woke up and got dressed, lighting the lantern again to fix my hair and face after I felt ready to join the others, I walked up to the top.
I saw Ardeth clothed and an empty chair next to him so I took it sleepily. It had to be 5am the sun hadn't even come up yet.
"If a man does not embrace his past he has no future"
Ardeth said in a heated conversation with my Dad,
"Look even if...I was some sort of Medjai,what good does that do me now?"
Dad asked as Ardeth handed me a cup of coffee. I sipped it and smiled, just the way I liked it. That's what was nice about being with him and writing down everything about myself. He knew me like the back of his hand, and I knew him just as well.
Ardeth and I tell eachother everything....but privacy isn't a thing...even in Arabian... unfortunately my family can all read what I'm writing...well Evy and Alex can
"It is the missing piece of your heart.If you embrace it,if you accept it,you can do anything"
Ardeth said seriously but my Dad merely brushed it off.
"Sounds great.Listen.What can we expect from our old friend Imhotep?"
Dad asked not interested in the Medjai thing. I shook my head with disappointment.
"His powers are returning.By the time he reaches Ahm Shere,even the Scorpion King won't be able to stop him"
The conversation already was boring me I looked behind me, seeing Evy standing on the other end of the boat, staring off into nothing.
I had decided to get up and walk over to her to see if she was okay
"Hey, you okay Evy?"
I asked and she turned to me and smiled
"Yes, I'm fine...just wish my baby boy was back safe in my arms"
She said crossing her arms, rubbing them like she was cold.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna get him back Imhotep and that bitch Anaksunamun are gonna get theirs....just like Benny did"
I said. She turned to me and smiled.
"I know. We make a great team"
She said. I smiled
"Always have"
I said touching her shoulder, but the second I did we both gasped and in an instant we started seeing visions....

A very tan woman was standing with 2 other woman, the other two were light tan and they were all in poses ready to fight.They were standing in front of what looks to be the Pharoah.
Suddenly the Pharoah said begin in ancient Egyptian and they all started to fight with kunais.
They were all wearing masks so I couldn't tell who they were. The really tan girl tried to hold the light tan girl with raven hair by her throat but the other light girl with chocolate brown hair did a high kick and knocked her away.
The other girl who wasn't tan but wasn't pale came at the dark one but dodged the tan girls punch. They all came at eachother with a fierceful attitude.The raven girl got knocked off her feet and held 2 blades to her but the brunette tanned girl held her two blades at the dark tanned girl.Everyone clapped.
The 3 girls took off their masks
*I gasp seeing it was Anaksunamun,*
(Ancient Egyptian)
"Put your mask on"
Anaksunamun said
"We wouldn't want to scar that pretty face" Anaksunamun said smirking.
Evy was unpleased but she was out of that fight...well it wasn't Evy but it was I just didn't know her name...
"Anaksunamun vs Nathifa!"
Said the Pharoah as 'Nathifa' glanced at an Ancient Egyptian Medjai and then back to Anaksunamun.
They started to fight again.
Nathifa fought her harshly and with fierce.
Anaksunamun threw her kunais at two male statues crotches as Nathifa grabbed a spear doing a backflip. Anaksunamun grabbed one too. They were at eachother's throats.She knocked the spear out of Nathifa's hands and swung at her, which Nathifa jumped back, dodging a fatal blow to the gut, but in a swift movement, Anaksunamun swept her ankles with the staff part of the spear and Nathifa fell on her back, giving Anaksunamun time to hold the spear to Nathifa's throat. Anaksunamun and Nathifa were left breathless as they stared at one another coldly. Everyone clapped as
Anaksunamun and Nathifa only exchanged glares
"For being born a Medjai and being lucky enough to become royalty you are learning quickly Nathifa...I will have to watch my back"
Anaksunamun said in Egyptian smirking. Nathifa smirked back, still breathless.
"I am proud to be a Medjai and it wasn't luck it was a deal to be born into the royal family...but do not worry Anaksunamun I will be watching mine as well"
Nathifa said back in Egyptian coldly, which seemed to shake Anaksunamun for some reason. The Pharoah cut in at this point.
"Bravo! Bravo! Who better then to protect the bracelet of Anubis...then my daughter Nefertiri"
Pharoah said in Egyptian.Nefertiri was ancient Evy. She smiled letting the Pharoah hug her.
"And who better to protect me, then my soon to be wife, Anaksunamun...and of course my niece, the princess from lower Egypt shall be wed to my best Medjai leader Ardeth"
The Pharoah said as Anaksunamun and Nathifa bowed.Nathifa glanced again at... Ardeth and it was really him but in Ancient Medjai clothing.It was truely Ardeth taking my heart in another life as well. Nefertiri watched Nathifa walk to Ardeth and bow then kiss politely. The crowd began to scatter but both Nathifa and Nefertiri saw the 'look' Anaksunamun gave the high priest Imhotep. Nathifa and Nefertiri glared at her, she looked up at us, looking guilty as hell, then retreated towards the Pharoah's chambers. Nathifa then looked at Nefertiri and smiled
"My dearest baby cousin!"
Nefertiri said hugging Nathifa. She hugged back
She said to Nathifa in Egyptian. Nathida and Ardeth smiled nodding.
"I'm just lucky to have been given such an amazing life...and be wed to such an amazing man...the God's have blessed me so well" Nathifa said looking up at Ardeth, who was smiling back at her.
The vision began change to something else...
I saw Nathifa was speaking with Nefertiri on a balcony in one of their rooms.
"I do believe I'm the happiest girl alive. With this marriage, upper and lower Egypt will finally be at peace and the best part is I'm in love with this man! It's not going to be some horrible arranged marriage with an old man"
Nathifa said in Egyptian laughing happily with Nefertiri
"Yes I'm so happy for you Nathifa"
Nefertiri hugged Nathifa again but she gasped.
Nathifa backed up and looked at Nefertiri
"What is it?"
She asked alarmed
Nefertiri pointed down wards. Nathifa looked, seeing the Pharoah's room and balcony just across from us.Nathifa had to look hard because of the golden curtains, but they were still see through. They saw Anaksu-namun making out with Imhotep! They heard the door open and in came their uncle/father. Imhotep ran off and hid. As the Pharoah came in, he looked at Anaksunamun, who was standing there, pretending to be innocent, one arm ontop of his cat statue,then the Pharoah looked at her arm
"Who has touched you?!"
He asked. Anaksunamun looked down at her arm, then back up at the Pharoah. Imohtep ran behind the Pharoah silently, then out of no where, took the Pharoah's sword on his side.
Pharoah said shocked
"My priest?!"
He said outraged.
Nathifa and Nefertiri scream down to Medjai on the ground outside. They all looked up at us, Ardeth being in the group
"The Pharoah needs your help hurry!"
Nathifa yelled and they ran off to save him but it was too late.
While Pharoah had his back turned to Anaksunamun, she pulled out a blade and stabbed the Pharoah in the back...literally. Then Imhotep swung the sword like a bat, slicing him in the gut
Nathifa and Nefertiri screamed
(in reality)
Evy and I both screamed and fell out of the balloon but Ardeth and Dad jumped up like a bat outta hell and caught us both in time...but my visions weren't over going away at that point

I saw the medjai bust open the doors,Imhotep's minions were trying to get him to leave Anaksunamun he was struggling to get free but he eventually left with them screaming
"You shall live again! I will resurrect you!"
He yelled leaving with his minions.
Ardeth and the rest of the medjai came in and looked, seeing the Pharoah dead on the ground at Anaksunamun's feet.
"My body is no longer his temple!"
She said and with that, Anaksunamun kill her self!
(end visions)
This time I came back fully.....

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