I reflected the look he was giving me with my own narrowed eyes, but said nothing while watching as he backed off. He roughly grabbed me up in his hand and stalked out of the barn and back into the wooded area, gradually making his back to the road, his grip on me tight and slightly painful.

"Your holding to tight!" I yelp before whimpering as he only squeezed harder.

Tears filled my eyes from frustration, pain, and a bit of sadness. What had I done to deserve this sort of treatment?! Yeah, sure the asshole doesn't like humans, but that doesn't automatically give him the right to handle me like this!

I gasped for air, hot tears sliding down my face from the pain of his grip and not being able to take in a deep breath which made my lungs protest. I was completely still as I looked up to his face, his optics on me cold and guiltless.

"M...on..ster." I managed to spit out in spite.

I knew if he tightened his hold anymore I'd break like a twig, and I didn't want to die, but if I did I at least wanted to get my few cent in.

"F...u..ck y..ou." I growled  with a gasp, my eyes narrowing with something very close to hate.

He only sneered before loosening his grip making me go completely limp in his hand as I gasped in air, my ribs aching and throbbing in pain, tears still sliding down my face.

"Pathetic." He only scoffed not one bit of regret on his face.

I said nothing, I was ready to give in, it hadn't been long but with a giant robot with sociopathic tenancies as I've observed, I'm pretty well screwed.

I didn't even bother looking around as he walked towards the road, I just limply hung in his hand, a worn out look on my face. I zoned out completely as I dove into my thoughts: Of all the millions of people in the world, why was it I was stuck with giving directions to an alien robot that is SUPPOSED to be the GOOD guy. I truthfully just wanted to go home, but I couldn't for one this asshole wouldn't let me and two my house is destroyed!

Isn't it amazing how your easy going life can go to shit in only seconds?

I jolt from my thoughts as Sunstreaker suddenly transforms around my body, I of course stay as still as possible, not wanting to risk my limbs getting caught in a gear or something. And once he was finished I was slammed back into the passenger seat  with the seat belt clicked around me, but for once not restraining me.

"Directions, now." He said with an aggressive and cold tone.

I watch as his glove box pops open and my eyes land on my maps, leaning forward I quickly snatch them up and began to look through one of them. Once I managed to figure out where we were I began to give him directions that will eventually take us to Texas.

I wasn't paying all too much attention when I felt the Lamborghini suddenly jerk then a loud snarl coming from Sunstreaker as he suddenly stepped on the gas. I lurched back as he sped up to great speeds, and I felt the seat-belt tighten almost painfully making me wince.

"Hold on tight flesh-bag we've got company." Sunstreaker sneered in rage.

My eyebrows furrowed before I yelped loudly as I felt something hit against Sunstreaker, making his form jerk and swerve to the side. Sunstreaker let out a loud pained snarl and I began to realize we were being shot at. I looked out and saw black vehicles tailing us, making me gulp in nervousness. I could see the men within them and they looked so....cold. Puzzlement went over me, making me wonder.

Why were they attacking him? He was an autobot, yeah sure he wasn't exactly nice and didn't like humans, but they didn't know that did they? Maybe they were after him because he took me? Somehow that last one didn't seem to be it, as much as its sad to say, I'm a nobody. I had no close family members or friends, my parents wanted nothing to do with me when I finally had enough of their controlling ways. So there was no one to file that I was missing, nor did anyone see me with Sunstreaker that was human.I really didn't know what was going on in the situation, and quite frankly all I cared about was getting out of this alive.

When the Sun Falls (Transformers Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن