Ash harshly pushes Eiji back and then goes on his way. "I won't trust you until you answer my questions." He whispers with menace, light of danger flashing in his eyes as he walks away.

What should I do? Eiji asks himself as tears race down his cheeks. He was unconsciously holding his breath earlier but now it seems his chest constricted in pain even more.

Eiji falls to the ground, perplexed and broken. He rests his back against the wall, his hands on his knees covering his face.

"You forgot about me for a reason. It may be because I'm the cause of your pains. I understand that I deserve this much but I can't stop my selfish desire to be by your side. It's fine if you don't remember me but please let me stay with you. Just for a moment."

I know I'll only cause you more pain. I know I'll give you more problems. I promise I'll leave when the right time comes. I'm sorry, Ash. But please... let me be selfish just this once, just this time.

I hope you forgive me, Ash.


"Ash, I'm going out for a bit." Eiji informs when he stops after opening the door. His smile disappears upon finding out that Ash either didn't hear him or is just ignoring him. "I'll be off then." He softly says.

"Uh. Boss?" A skinny tall guy with face full of piercings yet still looks so innocent, hesitantly calls Ash's attention.

"Yes?" Ash responds with an irritated face.

"Eiji... N-Nothing." The man cowers back under Ash's terrifying heartless gaze.

Where could that idiot be going this time?

Why are you worried? He's old enough to take care of himself.

But I have a feeling that guy is a walking trouble magnet. He's probably in trouble after taking ten steps from the door. That can't be, right?

It could be. But why care? He's not someone worth keeping an eye on.

Yeah, you're undoubtly right.

You're right but where the hell are you going, Ash Lynx?!

"Are you going out, too Boss?"

"Fuck this!"

Ash dashes out the door and goes on the way he thinks Eiji must've went.

In less than three minutes, he spots the Asian boy innocently walking through the crowded streets, completely unaware of the malicious eyes pinned on him.

"Ei--" Ash halts from his plan of calling Eiji. Now is the perfect time to observe and understand this odd mysterious man.

"Is the news true about the Leopard?"

"It's true. He's returned to claim Chinatown."

"New York will be bathe in blood once again."

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