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I was staring at the ceiling and I looked to the side seeing Harry screaming and crying for mother to come. I see her head over us and smiled at me.

"It's okay Jasmine. He is okay." Mom said. She picked up Harry and started to sway. He calmed down and I tilted my head at her. She smiled.

"You want me to sing you asleep Jasmine?" She asked.

I can feel a smile on my face. She laughed a little.

"You are my sunshine, my little sunshine, you make me happy when the sky is gray, you never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." She sang softly, and I fell asleep.

---Dream ended---

I woke up staring at the ceiling I hear clinking in the other room and I sat up and looked around. I was in the living room. I stood up with the help of the couch and shakily walked to the other room to find that it is the kitchen.

Molly stood there making breakfast. I sat down and watched her. She was humming and when she turned around she jumped.

"Jasmine dear you startled me. How was your sleep?" She asked.

"I watched a memory." I said quietly.

"Oh? Was it a good one?" She asked.

"Harry was crying and mum came, she calmed him done and sung me to sleep." I whispered.

She froze. "Are you sure dear that is awfully young." She asked.

"It's not the only memory I see. I remember that night. That's how I know Sirius Black did not betray my parents. I remember my mother screaming at Tom Riddle to not kill my brother and me. I remember the pain, my brother reaching out for mum. I remember Snape coming to mourn over our mum. I remember Sirius wanting to care for us." I whispered.

She was about to touch my shoulder.

"I wouldn't touch me, or you will get hurt." I whispered.

She finished her cooking and put a huge plate in front of me and soon the others walked down. I slowly picked at my food not used to eating it. Molly was frowning at me.

Jasmine PotterWhere stories live. Discover now