Bill gave the teen a knowing smile. "Of course, Sapling. Older than time, remember." Dipper rolled his eyes at the demon. "So, what was it like?" Bill looked over at the teen. There was a sort of gleam in his eyes that caused Bill to smile softly. "It was truly amazing. Their knowledge and advancements. Even their mundane lifestyle. You would've been right at home there, Sapling."

Dipper raised a brow at the comment. "Oh? And why is that?" Bill knelt down to get to his locker. "Because you love to learn. You want to know the how and why of everything. And you're not satisfied with simple answers, either. That was the world back then. Before science explained everything, people had to learn it themselves."

Dipper had to think about that. Bill was complimenting him. Even if it was in his own strange way. Bill liked that he, Dipper, had a thirst for knowledge. Something most people these days lacked. Dipper wanted to understand the universe, and Bill wanted him to learn it's secrets.

"Move it, Freak." Dipper didn't bother to look up. Instead, he just moved to the other side of Bill. "Honestly, what do you all have against him?" Bill asked, straightening up. "What's it to you? Don't you just hang out with him cause you two are locker buddies?"

Bill closed his locker, leaning against it. "Actually, I've known Dipper for a few years. Which makes me wonder why you have the whole school acting against him." The two jocks looked from Bill to Dipper, who tried to hide himself behind the demon. "Just drop it, Bill..."

Tyler smirked at the brunet. "What's wrong, Freak? Worried about your boyfriend?" Dipper's head shot up. "We're not dating!" Tyler and Perry just laughed. "Matt told us about your little date. Even got his own dad to kick him out."

Dipper turned away, his face now a deep red. Bill turned on the two jocks. "You two really have nothing better to do than pick on people, do you. Or do you just not have enough brain cells to do much else?" Snarked Bill.

Tyler and Perry glared at the demon, though neither did anything. Bill glared at the two before turning to Dipper. "Do you need anything from your locker?" Dipper shook his head. He had finished all his schoolwork, and he didn't mind carrying his books around.

"Let's head home." Bill grabbed hold of Dipper, rather roughly, and pulling the teen along with him. Dipper was about to speak up, but upon seeing the look of rage on the demon's face, decided to hold his tongue.

It wasn't until they were back at the shack that Bill spoke. "Those assholes should be thankful I'm listening to you." Bill snapped, punching the post outside on the porch. "I told you to just ignore them..." Dipper said, carefully taking Bill's hand, tending to it.

Bill huffed, looking away. Dipper left, coming back with a first aid kit. "Bill, what's wrong? You seem angrier than you should be?" Dipper asked, cleaning the demon's hand. "You and your family saved this whole town. You should be mister popular. Instead, they treat you like dirt..."

Dipper was quiet as he worked on Bill's hand. It wasn't until he was wrapping it did he speak up. "It's been a few years, Bill... People forget..." Bill stared at the teen. He thought Dipper was joking at first, but quickly realized he was serious. "Also, most of those teens are from neighbouring towns. Most of them don't even know about Weirdmageddon."

Dipper sat back, letting go of Bill's hand, only for Bill to grab his hands. "The only reason they don't know about it is because you were able to stop me. You're a hero, Dipper. They should treat you as such." Dipper looked at the demon, having to quickly look away. Bill was looking at him in a way that made his still flip.

Bill stood, giving Dipper a gentle smile. "It's the weekend. How about we just relax for the rest of the day. We can watch a movie, I'll make up a pizza..." Dipper looked up, a small smile on his lips. "That sounds great."

Bill stood, holding his hand out for the teen. "You go on ahead. I've got to clean this up." Bill gave the teen a nod before heading inside. Dipper continued to sit at the table, just thinking about what Bill had said. And despite everything, he knew his feelings towards Bill were changing.

Slowly, Dipper packed up the first aid kit. He wasn't sure if he wanted to acknowledge his new growing feelings. Yet at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling that having Bill around had made him happier. Frowning at his problem, he grabbed the kit before heading inside.

He heard Bill in the kitchen, likely prepping to make the pizza. He smiled softly as he put the kit back in the cupboard. "What would you like on your pizza, Sapling?" Bill asked, not looking up. "I'm fine with whatever. Just don't burn it. Burnt pizza crust just tastes bad."

Bill laughed, pulling things out of the fridge. "How does classic pepperoni sound?" Bill looked over, giving Dipper his normal cocky smile. "Sounds great. Can't wait to have it." Bill quickly gave Dipper another kiss on the cheek before starting on the pizza.

Dipper blushed madly as he left to get a movie. He wished Bill would stop being as forward as he was, but he didn't hate it. He grabbed a movie without seeing which one it was before heading back to the living room.

He sat down in the mix of blankets and pillows from the night before putting the movie next to the TV. As he sat there, he thought over everything about his feelings towards Bill. He liked having the demon around, he was happier around him and didn't have to be careful about what he spoke about. He also didn't mind with how Bill acted around him. Most of all, he liked how much affection he got from Bill.

With realization, Dipper fell backwards onto the ground, pulling a pillow over his face as he let out a loud groan. He, Dipper Pines, had romantic feelings toward the dream demon known as Bill Cipher.

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