Chapter 4- Love Sick

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I haven't really updated in a while, but to make up for that I'm coming out with three new chapters by this Friday. So you guys have got that to look forward to. I couldn't do this without all of your guys's support I love you guys your comments really pushed me to keep writing and with that said I want to give a shoutout to a reader named tigermistress. She's been there supporting me since the second chapter I still remember being so psyched up about it she was my the first person to ever comment on my story and without her motivation I wouldn't have written the third chapter so yeah. Anyways thanks for reading love you guys. ;)
*Alyssa's POV*
||Three months later||
I was laying on my cot I was starting to slowly feel better considering that for the last three months I've been crying my eyes out non-stop and each day would bring a new version of hallucinations even though they all really told me to do the same thing, go back to Nico give him a second chance love him secretly so as not to ruin his popularity, and if that wasn't bad enough I would get nauseous and dizzy whenever I made the slightest of moments. Some days I felt like everybody's lives would be better without me and those days were the worst I can still remember when I was so done with everything around me that I refused to eat, I refused to take the medicine Clover gave me and the only thing that made me happy was the hallucinations of Nico right beside me, even when I knew they weren't real it just comforted me. But, when things where at the worst I started to think about the way Clover and Natasha tried to make me smile. They would never focus on the bad things like how sick I was becoming, or how skinny I was getting from lack of food and that's when I realized how much pain I would put them through if I actually did kill myself and I decided then and there that even though my death was almost inevitable I wouldn't just sit around and wait for death to come knocking my door, I decided to fight I decided that I would fight death to the very end and I wouldn't lose, no I couldn't lose because if I did I knew that all of Clover and Natasha's hard work would be for nothing. After that day I started eating again I might not have been able to keep every meal down, but at least I was eating though I didn't get above 120 lb. and on top of that the hallucinations that had tormented me so many nights and comforted me for so many days had begun to grow further and further apart first it was a few hours then it was a few days and now today would make it two weeks since her last hallucination about Nico and she had to say without her hallucinations it got boring laying on the cot all day with nothing to do, but Clover said she was still to weak to get up and move around, but I just can't take it anymore.
If I can sit up I can at the very least stand up and on the off chance Clover was right I can always just sit back down and not tell anyone that I had ever moved, that seems like a good plan to me, I mean it's not like anyone's here to see me so I won't get caught. I moved to the edge of the cot and smiled loving the feeling of grass in between my toes, shakily I stood up even though I was a little wobbly I felt like I could run a mile without getting even the slightest bit tired. Now that she thought about it she hadn't ran for fun since before her mom had gotten sick, that was back when the girl's cared about showing the boys how much better they were at everything, that was before puberty hit and transformed all the girl's from chapstick and high tops to lipstick and push-up bras.
After a few minutes I started to weigh the pros and cons of walking around a bit, after another few seconds I decided it wouldn't hurt me if I took a few steps around. So I started to walk around slowly still a little wobbly, but as soon as I got used to walking again Natasha walked into the tent and gasped. "Alyssa, what are you doing up? You should be in bed, not up and walking around you're not strong enough for that yet." She said worriedly as she tried to get me back into my bed.
"I'm fine, Nat, stop worrying about me." I said reassuringly, but I still sat down so she wouldn't go into panic mode.
"Clover says your to weak to even stand up that it would be physically impossible for an omega of your size to stand up right now your legs would give out. It's just not notmal." Natasha said still worrying over me.
"Well I'm not normal I think we've already established that, by me living through all this. I'm just a freak no wonder I don't have a mate, I should have died with my mother four years ago." I replied with a sigh.
Natasha looked at me sadly "Alyssa, you're not a freak and honestly I don't even think you're an omega."
"Then how do you explain my scent? I smell exactly like an omega, sorry to burst you're bubble of ignorance." I said hatefully, who was she to come in here and tell me that I'm not the only thing I've ever known to be. Being an omega was my identity, the only one that really mattered anyway. It was the only thing that really connected me to my mom, I looked nothing like her and I didn't act anything like her, even though I was an omega I was never submissive and I didn't take orders well. As it dawned on me That I was nothing like my mother and I never even met my father I realized that maybe I wasn't an omega. As I started to tear up Natasha hugged me tightly and I started to cry onto her shoulder.
"Alyssa, I hate to break this to you now, but you're scent it isn't an omega's..." Natasha said after I stopped crying.
"How is that possible? My mom was an omega and I thought you're class was based on you're parents." I replied as I wiped my eyes on my tank top.
"It is, but you said you never knew your father, there might even be a chance that he was an alpha and just like in real life the alpha gene is dominant to the omega gene in simplest terms that is." Natasha explained.
"Wait so you're saying that I could be a beta?" I asked thinking about how different life could have been if I knew this critical piece of information. I could have been popular I could have been second best next to Nico and his sister, whose name I could never really quite remember I think it was summer or something.
"The only way to be able to tell is if you're mom has like a diary or something that she wrote in day to day. It might give us a little hint to who your father actually is." Natasha said with a sigh knowing I had only been found with a bag full of clothes and nothing that even resembled a diary.
I thought for a second before remembering it, "She did, it was a pink leather bound journal that had a daisy stitched onto the front. She would write in it everyday even while she was on her deathbed."
"If you left it in your house it's probably either been thrown out or burned because new omega's moved into the house," Natasha said sadly.
"Actually ever since the Omega outbreak, the Moonlight pack never regained it's numbers back, there are only about four or five omegas now, and that's all one family, and I know there kids are too young to move out so alpha Harrison probably hasn't even touched my house since I left. He's got better things to worry about anyways. " I replied optimistically.
Natasha smiled "Great, I'll get someone to search your house tonight while everyone's asleep."
"No they have guards everywhere no one will be aloud to get through without getting caught, we'll have to do this the diplomatic way, we'll have to go in with another alpha and demand to get my stuff from my old house, unless they want to start all out war." I replied.
"But, we don't have an alpha, we're technically not even a pack, we need to have land and an alpha before even being considered a pack by other alpha's." Natasha said in a panicky tone of voice.
I stood up and started to pace knowing that was how I got all my best ideas, "How long have you and the others been staying on this land?" I asked hoping she would say at least six months.
Natasha looked confused "About five months, we usually don't stay this long, but since you've been sick we decided to stay here a little longer."
"If we can stay here tell the end of next month the land would rightfully belong to us, it's wolf law, if a pack of wolves stays on a certain piece of land long enough it becomes there's, I remember learning about it in civics last year."
"That's great, but we still need an alpha or at least someone with alpha blood." Natasha said hinting at something I didn't seem to get.
"How about clover, don't healer's normally have alpha blood in them?"
"Yes, but healers can't be alphas they have to many duties healing the members of a pack."
"Crap, how about you Natasha, you're not an omega..."
"Yeah, but I also don't have alpha blood in me..."
"Oh then who else could it be, maybe we can get someone else from another pack."
"I don't think so, the first rule of every pack, loyalty between pack mates." Natasha denied.
"Ugh, I need to go for a run to clear my head," I said frustratedly and before Natasha could protest I shifted to my wolf form and ran off into the woods.
|| one hour later ||
I returned to the tent an hour later with a clear head, I shifted back into my human form and put on the clothes that had been laid on the cot for me, which was a pair of black jean shorts and a white t-shirt with a simple black star on it.
After I had finished getting dressed a boy about my age walked in "Um... Alpha... Natasha wants to see you by the river..."
"I'm not an alpha..." I answered with a scowl.
"Well you sure smell like one," he said rudely and walked off.
I rolled my eyes and walked to the river where Natasha was waiting for me "Hey, why did you want to see me here?" I called out to her as I got closer.
Natasha looked back at me with a giant smile "Oh my gosh, Alyssa I was so worried about you, don't ever run off again." She scolded as I got closer.
I stopped and stood next to her, "I'm sorry I just needed to get everything out of my head for a minute and I definitely needed to get out of that tent."
"It's okay I was just so worried, but I came up with a solution to our problem."
"Really, whose going to be alpha, did you find someone?" I asked happily.
She nodded happily "You."

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