Merry Christmas

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The weather around this time of year in Riverdale was usually anything but pleasant but this year, instead of waking up to a colder than cold draft blowing through the trailer and hitting them in their faces, they were awoken by light from the sun directly shooting through their window and hitting their faces.

Alice lay there comfortably on her back with FP next to her and his arm wrapped around her shoulder and her hand clasping with his.

She doesn't remember when they fell asleep and figured they must've drifted off in that position. The events from the night before had made them very tired so they pretty much nodded off the minute their heads hit their pillows.

She fluttered her long lashes and opened her big blue eyes slowly, admiring the sunlight. She turned her head over to FP, whose face shone against the light that was hitting it and smiled, pulling his hand to her lips and landing a kiss on his knuckles before rubbing the softly with her thumb.

She then turned towards the crib on the opposite side of her, and saw her little boy fast asleep on his back with his little mouth slightly agape with the pacifier she had given him before he went down placed by his head and his hands balled up into fists.

He was always a heavy sleeper, much like his father. She'd have to wake him up in a little while which she didn't usually look forward to as he hated being awoken and would scream the place down.

She felt the arm placed around her move slightly and turned her head back to see FP slowly coming out of his slumber. She turned her body around fully and placed her hand on his chest as his eyes blinked open. She ran the tips of her fingers up his chest before planting a kiss on him. He smiled and ran his hand down her back as he looked down at her and she looked up at him.

"Merry Christmas." He whispered before lowering his head to kiss her again.

"Merry Christmas to you too. It's officially our first one as a family as well." She responded with a wide smile on her face. The thought of this being their first Christmas with their son had excited them very much given that Christmas was never as important to them as it should've been but for this year, they could celebrate as a proper family.

"Well we better get up. I'm sure Santa's left loads of presents for us to open, even if we have been a little naughty." He says with a suggestive smirk on his face as he pulled Alice in for another kiss that turned into a minor make out session before Alice stopped him when she heard whimpers from Charlie.

He was twisting and turning a little and Alice knew what it meant. She got up out of FP's embrace and walked over to his crib, waiting for him to fully wake before picking him up. He was still whimpering and fussing as she carried him out and held him on her hip. She watched him as he rubbed his little tired eyes.

"Merry Christmas baby, did you have sweet dreams? Why don't we get you a bottle huh?" She said to him as she carried him over to FP. He took his son from her before she walked into the kitchen and he held him in the air flailing him around causing the infant to laugh.

The rest of the morning involved unwrapping all of the many presents they had piled up under the tree. FP and Alice had really gone all out this year, especially for Charlie. She had him placed in her lap feeding him his bottle when FP handed her a small gift.

"What's this?" She asked, reaching her hand out to take it from him excitedly.

"You must've missed it amongst all the toys for Charlie." He laughed.

She placed Charlie down next to her on the mat with his new toys and took the velvet box from FP. She slowly opened it to find a silver heart shaped locket. She fiddled with the heart and slowly pulled it out of the box, taking a closer look at it.

"Baby it's beautiful." She said with tears in her eyes as she looked up at him. She was deeply admiring the locket still.

"Look inside." He said to her as picked Charlie up and rested the tot in his lap watching as he fiddled around with a piece of wrapping paper.

She slowly opened the locket up, wanting to be as delicate as possible so she wouldn't damage it before she'd even got to wear it.

She unlocked it to find a small photo of Charlie smiling. It immediately made her tear up further.

He placed Charlie down back onto the mat and moved closer to her, slowly taking the locket. "Here, let me." He said to her before moving behind her and taking her hair in his hand and softly placing it over her shoulder.

He placed the locket around her neck and closed the clasp before taking her hair back and letting it flow back down her shoulders.

He moved back next to her and looked at her ever so softly. She loved when he did that. She grabbed under his chin and pulled him for a kiss.

"I love you, so much." She said as their foreheads touched

"The feelings mutual."

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