Chloe stood in front of the window in fear.

"Detective, please go." 

"What's going on?" Chloe shrieked.

"I can't control them..." Lucifer mumbled.

Suddenly his wings wooshed in front of him, lifting Chloe into the air and crashing into the window, breaking the glass.

"DETECTIVE!" Lucifer jumped out the broken window after Chloe. "GRAB MY HAND!"

Chloe reached her arm out to Lucifer, but he couldn't reach her. 

Chloe fell down farther... and farther... and farther...

Then he woke up

Setting: Doctor Linda's Office

"So... you had the same dream you did a few weeks ago." Linda asked.

"Yes, but this time it was... different." Lucifer explained.

"How different?"

"Well you see, in this dream... Chloe came into my penthouse herself." Lucifer explained to Linda. "The other dream I called her to come over."

"—and you were still not able to control your wings."

"Exactly. See that's what I don't understand. I shouldn't even have wings anymore, they were sort of... destroyed."

They looked at each other for a minute.

" back to when you appeared to 'scare away' Chloe." Linda went on. "If she came to you in your dreams, do you think she will come back to you in real life?"

"I honestly don't think she will." Lucifer said sadly. "But I really... really want her to." He told her. "Do you've any suggestions what I can do to get her to come back to me?"

"That part is up to you, but I guess I could give you some ideas..." Linda said.

"Lovely. I'm all ears." Lucifer sat up in the couch and leaned towards Linda.

"You could try talking to her, face to face. Explain whatever you need to—"

"Lovely! I will try that. Thanks so much for the help doctor." He hastily opened the door and walked out.

Setting: Lucifer's penthouse (real life;not a dream)

Lucifer called Chloe on his phone. "Please answer... please.. answer.."

Chloe didn't pick up.

"Come on detective..." he kept calling her over and over. 

Still no answer.

"What have I done to the detective?" Lucifer asked himself. He finally decided it was a waste of time, and he poured himself a drink. "Well that plan was destroyed."

The Devil sat down on his couch and stared out the window. 

The elevator made a ding and Amenadiel stepped in. "Still no sign of Azrael."

Lucifer said nothing, he didn't want to worry about his brother's nonsense right now.

"Luci?" The angel walked further into his brother's penthouse. 

Lucifer continued to stare outside the window.

"Lucifer. What on earth are you concentrating so hard on you won't answer me?"

The Devil turned to face his brother. "Whatever you're here for, im not  in the mood for it." He snarled.

"Luci I don't know what's going on with you but I need to know." Amenadiel glared at him.

"It's nothing you need to worry about." 

"Seriously Lucifer. What is up? Have you become the heartbroken devil?"

Lucifer was beginning to get frustrated with him. "It's not a big deal, and I'm not heartbroken. Well, maybe I am. But just go." He stood up from the couch.

"Lucifer, just tell me what's going on. I can help you." Amenadiel insisted.

Lucifer grabbed his brother by the collar of his shirt and lifted him into a wall. "You think you can help me brother? Better change your plans."

"Lucifer put me down. We can talk this out."

The frustrated Devil pressed his hand fiercely on the angel's neck, his eyes turning red. "YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND, WOULD YOU? YOU WOULDNT CARE EVEN IF YOU DID UNDERSTAND!"

"Lucifer—I promise—I can help—you—" Amenadiel struggled to say the words since his brother was strangling him.


Amenadiel managed to release himself from Lucifer's grip. "Lucifer. Please let me help."

"You don't understand, brother." Lucifer's eyes changed back to dark brown.

"I understand, Luci."

"No. You don't. You really don't." 

"Maybe your right. I won't understand, until you tell me what this is about." Amenadiel folded his arms.

Lucifer took a deep breath, and explained, "I scared away the detective."

"That's all this is about? You're all depressed because Chloe is scared of you? Because she saw your devil face?" Amenadiel tried to hold in laughter.

"I knew you wouldn't care! This is all a joke to you! Isn't it?" His eyes flashed with anger. "You don't know how much she means to me! You will never know!" The heartbroken devil picked up a bottle of champagne and chucked it across the room.


"I knew this was a mistake." Lucifer mumbled as he walked into the elevator.

"Lucifer wait—"

The fallen angel was gone.

Lucifer; A New Beginning (fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now