Chapter 2: Tobias - Revelation

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A/N: If you haven't read my "Determinant" alternate third book, please do that before you read this chapter. Seriously!

For the rest of you, this is the first of a series of chapters (probably at least five) that are set between chapters 44 and 45 in "Determinant" (during the time when Tris and Tobias are apart). As you might be able to guess from that timing, this stretch of "Prior Rings" will be very heavy in angst. But it is leading somewhere...

Chapter 2: Tobias – Revelation

"Do you have a little time, Four?" Zeke asks in too casual a tone as I enter the gathering room. I look at him suspiciously, noticing that he's sitting with Uriah and Christina, who both look extremely nervous. Shauna is to the side of them, moving herself back and forth slightly in her wheelchair as she purses her lips in aggravation. This can't be good.

"What's up?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and standing rigidly in place. I just finished a rough therapy session with Amar, so I'm already in a bad mood, and I can't imagine it will be improved by hearing whatever has the four of them looking like this.

"It can wait," Uriah says quickly, but Christina jabs him hard in the ribs.

"He has something to tell you," she says firmly, glaring at him before looking at me. "That you need to know before you decide if he can move in here or not."

I'm liking this less and less. I already told them all that I was fine with Uriah joining our mini-faction. In fact, I specifically said I liked the idea. But obviously they think that I might change my mind after I hear this.

"Just spit it out," I growl.

Uriah runs a hand along the back of his neck the way I do when I'm nervous. It's a habit he probably picked up from my broadcast, like how Christina and Cara both bite their lips now the way Tris always did. Probably still does.

"Um…" he begins, "it's…um…about something that happened before I left Philadelphia." My insides freeze with a sudden suspicion. No. Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going….

Uriah swallows hard. "You know that Tris was really broken up when you left, right?" He looks at me defensively, but I don't respond. Of course I know that. I hate what I did to her. I hate everything about it. But I was more afraid of what might have happened if I'd stayed.

"Well," he continues, shifting his gaze to his hands, "It bothered me to see her like that. She deserved better, you know?" He shrugs, still staring down, and I still don't answer. I don't think I'm capable of speaking right now.

"And you know I've always liked her." The words dig into me, reinforcing my earlier suspicion, and I can feel sweat prickling on my forehead. He looks up defiantly. "She was in one of my simulations, so you know it's true. You saw it."

"Get on with it," Zeke says shortly, his voice rough. I'm not sure whether to feel grateful for his interference or not.

"Fine," Uriah says more quietly. "Well, I just thought that if you couldn't get your shit together and go back to her, she should at least know that she has options. So, I told her how I feel." No no no no no…. This can't be happening.

"And then I kissed her."

I don't think I move. I don't think I'm even breathing anymore. As far as I can tell, the world has ended, and I'm just frozen in the space it used to occupy. But my perceptions must be off, judging by how Zeke suddenly has his hands pressed firmly against my chest and by how Christina is yelling at me to take a walk, to get out, to just get out of here for now. The words finally reach my brain, and then I'm stumbling blindly out of the room and out of the building and who knows where from there.

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