Chapter 1

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Your POV

Why does being a queen have to be so difficult? As soon as I woke up this morning, Zalgo was gone to do his kingly duties, and I had to go and do mine. I had to solve a dispute in the main market square, then sign for some contract to build, and now I'm holding my court to answer to citizens that needed to see me, and it wasn't even noon yet. I still have things to do after I have my lunch, without my loving husband.

We haven't had time to spend any time together, and then at night, we're too tired for anything. It's been hard to see each other during the day ever since we returned from our honeymoon. That was two years ago. We never really talk anymore except to complain about our schedules when we haven't fallen asleep yet from exhaustion. I was able to notice that Zalgo would cancel something on his schedule to see me, but never would approach.

I get up from my throne and start down the stairs. I can hear my advisor shouting behind me as I walk off, going down a hall towards a meeting room. My advisor told me at breakfast that a diplomat was going to be there to meet with Zalgo, but I was not informed for the reason for where the diplomat was from. I stop at the door and look into the room. The doors were partially closed, just cracked open from not being completely closed.

"We haven't seen her in over three months now. She was silent the day before, then that night she up and left. We can't find her any where." I recognized that voice.

"Has she been acting differently before?" I hear Zalgo say.

There was a pause. "Well, she and LJ broke up about a month after the breakout. But after that, she wasn't seen much around the mansion. It wasn't like her at all to just leave. LJ is pretty devastated from the break-up, but now he's worse and isn't himself." Slenderman says. "I believe that it's from her sister's betrayal. We're worried that she's handling her emotions on it in a negative way."

I frown. 'Fear is missing?' I listen in more.

"Please Zalgo. We need all the help we can get. Everyone is exhausted from no sleep and LJ's constant pushing to find her." Slender begs to my husband.

I step forward, lightly pushing the door to look inside more, causing it to creak open more. Curse the old doors in this castle.

I see my husband look up at the door from his hands. "Y/N. What are you doing here? I thought you were holding court."

"I couldn't take another day following the schedule. What's going on?" I walk inside and see my husband sitting at the head of the table, his male demon advisor, Vylird, standing behind him, with Slender sitting to Zalgo's right side. Jeff, BEN, Masky, Hoodie and Toby were all there too, Jeff had his head down on the table and was clearly asleep.

"Fear is missing and LJ is having us look for her at all hours. We don't know where she's gone." Slender explains.

"We just don't have the resources-"

"I can go." I interrupt Zalgo. "I need to get out of here." I look back down the hall and see my advisor running towards me after hearing footsteps. "Please dear, it's been two years of the same thing. You have to agree with me, Zalgo."

He sits back and sighs. "You are able to blend into the mortal population..." He looks at me. "Ok, fine. You can help look for her."

I smile. "Thank you, honey!"

"But your advisor goes with you." He adds. My smile quickly drops when he says that. At that moment, my advisor, a female demon named Xisana, runs up to me. "Madam...your duties..." She pants.

"Xisana. You are to accompany my wife to the Overworld in search of a missing Pasta. Understood?" He leans forward with his hands folded. "Make sure she is safe while she's there." He gives her the look that says 'I can end you'. I sigh after he says that.

"Zalgo, I can handle this myself. You've known me for how long now. Hell, we survived a war." I protest to him. 

He shakes his head. "This is not up for discussion. Meeting concluded." He rises from his chair, followed by the other Pastas. He shakes Slender's hand and Vylirad leads them out of the room, Xisana follows them. This left me and Zalgo in the room. He walks up to me and past me, closing the doors completely. "What makes you think you could find her?" He says as he looks at me. "They looked everywhere they could."

"I really think that she might be somewhere the Pastas can't search." I think for a moment. "Maybe she's hiding somewhere where she doesn't want to be found by the Pastas, out of reach of them. Has to be with mortals." I look up at him.

He nods. "Let's hope she didn't get too far and is staying in the city." He sighs. "I just want a day off..." He crosses his arms.

I frown slightly and stand in front of him. "You're king, you can take breaks whenever you want. I'm shocked you haven't."

"Things had to get back on track since the UnderRealm fell into ruin and chaos. I haven't been able to find time." He looks away and down at the floor.

"Zalgo, I want more time together. We were married for two years now. I...I don't know about you, but...I really want to start a family eventually." I also look away. I sigh softly and look up at him, seeing a surprised expression.

"A family? Really? I..." He smiles. "We then will have a family." He pulls me into his arms and holds me against his firm frame. He doesn't use his human form, unless he has to travel and blend into the mortal crowds, so he remains in his demon form. "I can take a break for a time for us to try for one."

With that, I pull away from him. "I want to try finding Fear as well. Even if I'm pregnant down the road, I'm not going to stop. I can handle myself."

"I'm not going to change your mind?" He chuckles when I shake my head. "Alright. Just be careful. I love you my dear." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you too my love." I smile and we leave to spend the rest of the day together.

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