Update Jan. 9, 2019

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Hey, guys! It's Cat! Apologies for not updating this book! I'm lacking inspiration. I'll find some soon. In the mean time please check out my other books! It means the world to me! I realize that fictional novels aren't everyone's forté, but give them a try! Remember, I'm always open to constructive criticism! I want to improve! Also, me and my friend, StoryGen, are brainstorming a possible collaboration project. I don't know how it'll work yet but we'll see how it goes! Expect more content soon! I'm helping another friend write too, so updates might be a little slow. Sorry that was really long! ; ) Thanks for putting up with my lengthy explanation and thank you for 261 reads! All the love on this book really means a lot! Please check out my friends' works and throw them some love too!

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