Chapter 27: Excommunication

Start from the beginning


The Kingdom applauded for the veterans while Alex was all pumped up.

Alex: new victim! New RKO victim! Oh my goodness!

Lexi laughed at her Prince's reaction.

Lexi: calm down babe

Alex: sorry, it's just every time Randy RKOs someone new to the roster; I always get pumped up

Xander: the way you reacted to that RKO to Akam is so funny

(A/N: the first 3 seconds of this video from Being the Elite is how I react to any new RKO victims lol)

Alex: sorry, it shows Randy giving a lesson to new Superstars

Chase: it's all good man, remember what John Cena said, "WWE is for the young guys now."

Josh: that's true

Then Randy and Kurt came in to the locker room where they were met by an ovation.

Alex: new victim, mentor!

Randy: did he react like that again?

Alex: I can't help it

Chase: and Kurt still got it

Kurt: oh it's true, it's damn true

Randy: our win tonight will give you all momentum for the main event

Finn: thank you

Xander looked at the monitor and noticed that the main event is next.

Xander: guys, our match is next

Alex: gotta go, babe

Lexi: good luck and be careful

She gave Alex a good luck kiss on the lips.

Peyton: good luck, my Joshy

Josh: we'll win this for the Kingdom

Peyton kissed Josh on the lips.

Charlotte: kick some ass, babe

Chase: I will do it for you, my liege

Bayley: unleash your Demon, Finny

Finn: hug demon?

Bayley giggled and gave Finn a kiss.

Becky: Seth, please don't die

Seth: I take risks, but I'll be careful

Sasha: show the Pack your ruthless side

Xander: they won't see it coming

The six exited their locker room and made their way to the gorilla.

(In the ring)

Announcer: the following contest is a 12 man tag team match!

(Rise by Skillet plays)

Announcer: introducing first, at a combined weight of 1329 pounds, the team of the Raw Tag Team Champions Finn Balor and Josh Stevens, the Intercontinental Champion Xander Kross, Seth Rollins, Chase Destiny and Alex Auditore; together they are Bliss Kingdom!

(I Bring the Darkness plays)

Announcer: and their opponents, at a combined weight of 1519 pounds, the team of Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and the permanent Raw General Manager Baron Corbin; together they are the Wolf-Pack!

As the Pack made their way to the ring; they all stared daggers at the Kingdom. The two to start the match was the Pack's Drew and the Kingdom's Xander.

(End of match)

Chase leveled Zayn with the Limit Breaker before getting met by a pop-up powerbomb from Owens. The Prizefighter was soon met by a quick 25th Hour from Josh. Lashley then speared Josh turning the Fallen Warrior inside out. Finn came in and took out Lashley with a slingblade followed by an Overdrive from Xander knocking Lashley out of the ring. Then Finn did a tope con giro on the All Mighty and his hype man. Corbin laid out Xander with an End of Days. Seth then nailed the Raw GM with a Curb Stomp which made Corbin rolled to his corner to tag in Drew. The Scottish Psychopath nailed the Architect with a Claymore kick which sent Rollins rolling out of the ring. 

Drew looked over his shoulder and saw Alex flat on the canvas. He looked at Dolph with an evil smirk and he tagged the Showoff in. They begin to set him up for the Zig Zag/Claymore combo. Drew launched himself from the ropes, but Alex got out of the way and made Drew hit Dolph instead. Alex then threw Drew out of the ring and hit an AKO on Dolph.




Announcer: here are your winners, Bliss Kingdom!

The Kingdom celebrated their victory while the Raw GM had an upset look on his face. As the Kingdom went backstage. Lashley, Owens, Zayn and McIntyre all got in the ring and surrounded Ziggler. As Ziggler got up, Corbin got in his face.

Corbin: what the hell did you do?! Huh?!

The Raw GM shoved Dolph while he was ranting. Dolph then retaliated and he pushed Corbin back, but he was ambushed by the Pack. Kevin launched Ziggler to the corner which gave Zayn to hit the Helluva Kick followed by a pop-up powerbomb. The Yep Movement picked up the Showoff giving Lashley to hit a monstrous spear.

Drew: get him up!

Lashley, Owens and Zayn picked up the fallen Ziggler. Then Drew hit a Claymore kick, but the Pack weren't finished yet.

Corbin: get him up! I'll finish him!

Drew picked up Dolph and threw him at Corbin, making the GM to hit an End of Days. The GM grabbed a mic.

Corbin: you're kicked out!

With those three words, the crowd then knew that Dolph Ziggler has been kicked out and excommunicated from the Wolf-Pack as the beaten and bruised Showoff laid in the middle of the ring.

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