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Paul P.O.V: Where am I? How did I get here? Who's that girl that keeps looking at me and asking stupid questions?

Nina: Paul...Paul...Paul!!!

Paul: yes

Nina: do you remember who I am?

Paul: yeah

Nina: (relieved) oh my god Paul I'm so happy that you do (hugs him)

Paul: woah not to be mean or anything but we're not that close Ms. Dobrev

Nina: (looks down) oh, so who do you think I am?

Paul: you're just some women that makes sure I'm alright and asks me stupid questions

Nina: no Paul I'm not, I'm Nina Dobrev and I'm your girlfriend.

Nina: so you wanna know how all this happened? Well you're about to find out, happened about 4 months ago Paul and I were going out and somehow the paparazzi made there way to our car and just kept flashing the cameras and Paul swerved the car while driving and we crashed onto another car and in that moment I remembered...Paul didn't have his seat belt on and he was outside on top of the rear car.

Paul: Ms. Dobrev

Nina: yes?

Paul: you seem like you're upset, are you okay?

Nina: yeah I'm fine

Paul: if it makes you feel better I would like to know why I'm here, and who you are and what we are

Nina: (smiles and nods) I would love to tell you

Sorry this is short it's 1:00am where I'm at and I need to wake up early ❤️

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