The One I Once Knew

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Joes pov
I decided to try and get some sleep along with Dianne.
Everyone went home.
Byron stayed at his girlfriends
My mum took Dainelle.
The police still had entry to the house
We had security outside our bedroom
We got ready for bed
Dianne got in before me.
I turned out the lights. I left a lamp on.
I was trying to hold it together while watching Dianne cry. She had a reason to cry she's been with this child for the past seven years and I've only known her 10 months. But Danni feels like my little girl. I know I'd do anything to get her back .
I sit on the bed.
Dianne rolls over to face me.
"I know you miss her to Joe. You don't have to hide it " Dianne said
Dam this girl can read me like a book
"I can't deny it Di. You know i wanna stay strong for you because we both need each other. To get through this we need to help each other " I said
"She'll be alright won't she" Dianne said taking hold of my hand
"Dianne I wish I knew. I have hope though" I said
Diannes pov
I woke up . I was snuggled into Joes chest. He was snoring quietly . I smiled. The first time I have in a while . I then snuggled into Joes chest. I tried to push the thoughts away of Danni's abduction. I couldn't bare to think what Emma could do to my little girl. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep
I woke up again. I raised my head to see Joe on his phone
"Morning Dianne how did you sleep" Joe said kissing my head
"Good. I'm just scared" I said
"Emma won't hurt her . I know it " Joe said
"It's just the thought of her being there alone. She could think we've abandoned her. I don't want her to think that. Joe we need to find her" I said  sitting on Joes lap.
Joe sat up and hugged me tightly
"She won't think we've abandoned her. Because we know we haven't . We will find her. We could go around the city and have a look" Joe said comfortingly .
Joe kissed my lips and then I got up of Joe
I walked into the bathroom to see my hair in a messy bun. My mascara under my eyes .
I cleaned my face and brushed out my hair . I threw it into a ponytail and walked back into our bedroom.
Joe was tiding up cleaning up our bed and beside tables .
He kissed me and then walked out of the room
I found and out soft and walked downstairs.
I then got a call
Hi Dianne this is Kate . The bbc are asking me to ask you if you would like to do a public Appel for Danni later on today
I'll have to ask Joe but yeah I'd like to just to get the word out there
Okay then it will probably be at 5:45 tonight that you need to be at the studio
Okay then thank you so much Kate
Dianne I'm thinking of you . I hope you find Danni. She's a lovely little girl and we're doing everything we can here .
Thank you Kate
See you Dianne
See ya Kate
Joe appears in the door way with his phone to his ear
Call ended
"It's this morning they wanna know if you wanna do a public Appel tomorrow on the show" Joe said as I placed my phon down
"Say yes" I said
"Okay then " joe replied.
Joe walked back out the door
And I picked out an outfit and got changed .
I put my pyjamas in the washing basket and walked downstairs.
There were officers and detectives everywhere. It had become an main set up for the officers and detectives working on the case.
"good morning Miss Buswell. Mr Sugg. Now we have some information thats going public but we need to run it by you first" Paul said
"Okay go ahead " I said
"Well you all have clean records apart from you Dianne when you were accused of attempted murder. Where you were released but that doesn't make you a person of suspicion as you were found not guilty and have no history won't h police. none of you are suspects . We did checks on all your friends and family and you are all fine how ever Emma does have a history with the police. In 2014 she was arrested 32 times and the year after under her fake name Talia McCarthy she was arrested a further 42 times. Dianne we are seriously concerned for Danni now. It has been more than 24 hours since your daughter went missing and it could be very bad if we don't find her today " Paul said
I looked down at my hands
"I've been asked but the bbc if I Wanted to do a public Appel " I said
"Right now it's the only thing I can ask you to do. Reaching out to Danni and Emma might force her to give her back. She was your friend once"Paul said
"She isn't the girl I once knew" I said

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