Amber Alert

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Diannes pov
My heart was racing. Joe was holding onto me tightly as we sat in the school reception. Two police vans pulled up. Byron say beside Joe. Texting everyone.
The police walked in with the head Mistress.
"This is Miss Buswell and Mr Sugg. I'll leave you two" She said
"Hello my name is Detective inspector Paul Myers and this is my college Officer Jack Stevens . " Paul said introducing himself.
"Well I'm Dianne , this is Joe my boyfriend and this is Byron . Joe's roommate ." I said
"So could you tell me what's been going on" Paul said
"Its a very very long story" I said
"Do you think we should take this to the station" Paul said
"Can we please find my daughter first " I said
"Officers are searching the school and the local area but we can't do anything till we have some background information". Jack said
"Okay let's go to the station then" I said
In police interview.
Joe wasn't aloud in with me because he was also making a statement and so was Byron.
"So Emma took back her daughter. Do you know where would take her" Paul asked
"I have no idea. But I know she's not safe. Danni's 7 years old she is defenceless with a mentally unstable women .
(Okay little note I know I said Danni was 4 in the first book but her being seven adds up later on in the story)
"Miss Buswell we have to put out a warning to the news and media if we want to find your little girl" Paul said
I knew if I did that people would have a lot of questions but I didn't care any more
"Do it . Tell them . I just need to find my daughter" I said
"Miss Buswell . I promise you we will find your daughter" Paul said.
"What can I do now ?" I asked
"We're gong to have officers around your home and in your home taking evidence and working closely with you and your boyfriend and your family. We will look into Emma's family and what she's been doing the past five years" Paul said
"Thank you so much. For everything " I said
"I know it sound bad but we will also have to look into you and your boyfriend and your family's. your not suspects it's just in case. Don't be alarmed please " Paul said
"I understand. Anything you need just ask. I want my daughter back and will give you anything " I said
"Thank you Miss Buswell for your cooperation " Paul said
I stood up and left the room. I could see Joe and Byron talking. Joe seemed like he could snap at any moment . Byron Turing to comfort him.
I walked over and hugged Joe tightly
"What's the plan" Joe said
We pulled away from the hug
"They said police officers are going to be at your house constantly and we just need to go home and cooperate with the police the best we can " I said
"Do they know what time she went missing" Byron said
"10:23 this morning so it's been about 4 hours since she went missing " I said
"Dianne you know—" I cut joe off
"I know after 12 hours the chance of your child coming home alive goes down rapidly ." I said
"We will find her no matter what " joe said
"Let's go home and post it all over social media and make some posters . I'll contact Caspar and people who work for my management and get them to post it all over social media " Joe said
"Let's go" Byron said
We got in the car and rode home in silence.
10:23+ 8 hours after abduction
It was now 6 pm and we turned on bbc news.
The police were still in the house .
Everyone had gathered at ours posting things all over social media. Then the story came up.
I burst into tears as I saw her little face spear on the screen.
Tears pricked my eyes
"An amber Alert has been issued as it is thought this young girl is in immediate danger and if you see this girl and this women. Do not approach her as she is know as very dangerous and please call 999. Dianne Buswell and Joe Sugg and there friends and families and there millions of fans have posted all over social media spreading awareness of this case. Miss Buswell and Mr Sugg are yet to the press or offer a statement " The news said
Amber alert
Danni Buswell
Aged 7 years old
Long brown hair
Olive skin
Small build
121.1cm in height
Black leggings
Pink and white stripped t-shirt
Black boots
Amber Alert

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