Baek "Yes, You know hyung?"

Chanyeol " Go ask them"

Baek "AHHHH!! HYUNG Why are you always like that :((" I started to think and come up with an idea ..

Baek "Hyung~ Let's act like them and we will know the answer... h-ahaha"

Chanyeol " Did you drink your medicine yet?"

Baek " Wae?? I'm not sick..."

Chanyeol " You seriously need some..."

Baek " I was joking ... JOKING !!! It's a joke..."

Chanyeol " Hope so..."

Baek "OING"


I fell in a deep sleep and someone poke my arm, I got annoyed. I thought it was Kris so I yelled "WHAT!!?!!??!" while sitting up and OMG WHAT TO DO?????????!!!?!!! THE ONE WHO CALLED ME WASN'T K-KRIS BUT THE TEACHER -.- !!!!  I GASP IN SHOCK

I stand up and bow "T-teacher I'm s-sorry"

The classmates are laughing so much...

The teacher hold the stick and slam the table... "You ! Get outside !!!"

I walk slowly outside and hearing him talking to someone else too "YOU GO OUTSIDE TOO"

" Why? What did I do wrong?" He asked


He take a deep sigh " I am not the one who's sleeping though.. I did what I was suppose to"

"When I tell you to do something you don't argue SO GO OUTSIDE!!!"

He walk outside and stand next to me.

I looked at him "HAHHAHAH!!! That's what you get bastard!!"

Kris " I don't want to study anyways... I want to get some fresh air.."

Jiyeon "UGH!!! So Am I helping you right now ?"

Suddenly Krystal pop out of no where for like the 10000th times, she seem like a ghost to me.... to be honest it almost give me a heart attack.

Krystal " Haiiiiii Opppaaaaa ❤❤❤ ~"

Kris " Ah~ Haiiii, by the way, what are you doing here?"

Krystal " I---- I was just---------"

Kris " Skipping class again?"

Krystal " H-hehe I was bored so I just want to relax" She stared at me for a moment ... " Ah~ i didn't know that you're here... Hai.... J-Jiyeon? I think?"

"H-hi" I said back.

Krystal " May I ask... Why are you two together?"

Kris "She sleep in class during work... that's why..."

Krystal "Ooooohhhh..."

I turn and look at him "YAHH!!!! Who's fault was it???"

Kris " If you didn't sleep nothing would happen..."

Jiyeon "Tsssskkkkk...If you woke me up nothing would happen"
Kris "Ehh, Why would I?"
Jiyeon "I thought you were kind for a moment but I guess not"
Kris chuckle a little " You're funny"

Krystal ╰☆╮ I paused for a moment and look at them arguing... Jiyeon make me jealous a little...  He never did that to me before... actually I want him to see me as KRYSTAL!!! not Suho's "little" sister ╰☆╮

Krystal " Hehe Ah Opppa~ Wanna go with me?? Get some fresh air together???"

Kris glare at me a little " Y-yeah sure... If the teacher ask where am I just say I got business to do"

I just nodded ,then so they walk together ,I look at their back  they are farther and farther apart from me, so this is how that "kind" of lonely feels like. Once again I'm all by myself standing outside of the classroom.

The bell rang for lunch to start. Everyone look at me when they walk pass by like they have never seen anyone that got in trouble before Geez

IU " Good luck~~~~~~~" She wave at me

Jiyeon "Psshhhh"

I stood for 5 minutes and wait for the teacher to come out. He open the door and saw only me.

Teacher "You..."

Jiyeon "?!?!?"

Teacher "Where is he?"

Jiyeon "He said he got some business to take care of"

Teacher "Hmmmm I want talk to you separately anyways"

Jiyeon "What is it???"

Teacher " About your grade, It's seriously too low, you need to start studying seriously. You had fail a lot of tests. You're way behind! from now on you need to take extra lessons at school, just find someone who's smart and willing to help you in school"

Jiyeon "Extra lessons?? Do I have to study in class after school?!"

Teacher "that's the only way I can check on you, well good luck and about your punishment for sleeping is clean the classroom and the library with Kris for a WEEK starting from today!!!"

Jiyeon "A WEEEEEEEEEEEK??????????????"

Teacher " Ahhemmm.... Y-yes" walk away quickly to prevent me from calling him back.

How Am I suppose to go home I have extra lessons now so I can't make IU wait for me everyday. I need to think of a way, but extra lessons and clean up, such a pain. IU surely don't want to waste her time after school and help me. Ugh I already have a lot of things to worry about and now this. I didn't even get to eat lunch..

...............Lunch end................

I walk back to the classroom and we start studying. I look at Kris' desk I wonder where he is now. Am I doing cleaning up alone? but cleaning myself after school is scary and his stuff is also here. I took out my phone and search up Kris' contact. I want to message him about the duty but I think he's with Krystal right now so I didn't even bother.

IU wrote in the paper and lend it to me " What happen??!?!? Is anything wrong???"

I wrote back " I need to take extra lessons because of you!!! -_- and I have to clean up for a week with Kris ..."

IU " Why is it me and why is it always him?"

Jiyeon "You never help me!!! and I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!???????????"

IU " Shall I wait for you??!?!!"

Jiyeon "Nah I'm fine"

IU "hmmm...Kay"

School End~~~~

IU "Then I'll be going~ get home safely"

Jiyeon "Kayyyyyyyyyyyyy Baiiiiiiiii"

*sigh* and so I left alone.

I quickly arrange the desks and clear the board, not long after that Kris come back into the class room.

He look at me with a surprised face....

Kris "aren't you going home??"

Jiyeon " I have to clean up the classroom and the library with you"

He look around " Ah Sorry your house is far from here right?"

Jiyeon "Yeah but the bus is not far from here so I can take the bus."

Kris " You can go home I'll take care of the rest"

I don't want to be in debt to someone since it's also my duty .

Jiyeon "Nahh~~~~ It's fine"

Kris "Okay then it's your fault anyways"

〴⋋_⋌〵 <---- Me (wtf face)

we clean up nicely and went home,what a long day and so extra lessons starting from tomorrow.

High School Days (Exo + T-ara Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें