Chapter 13 ~ Today

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This day has finally come.~~~ I roll around and around in my bed without wanting to wake up. I open my eye for a minute. Everything around me seem so bright. I started to freak out!!! I sit up and ask myself AM I LATE?? IU IS GOING TO LEAVE ME BEHIND!! I quickly check my phone. It's only 12PM....I sleep too much and freak myself out sometimes. The concert hasn't start yet, it will start at like 5 or 6 pm I think. I heard that beside the concert, there will be a lot of games to play for prizes. There will be fireworks late at night, too. I call IU for advice and information.


IU "Hello"

Jiyeon "HI!!! When are we going to the Fair?"

IU "I'm not sure but I think it start at 3pm "

Jiyeon "Ah Did you get ready yet?"

IU "No, not yet"

Jiyeon "Should we go there early? Come to my house now!"

IU "Waeeeeeee? I haven't change yet"

Jiyeon "We are going to pick Shinhye too remember? I want to play some games at the Fair, too"

IU "arraseo, I'll be there in like 30 minutes or so"

I quickly get up and brush my teeth, I don't know why but I'm really excited and hyper today. I get back to my room after washing my face. I open my closet and took out bunch of clothes. I try some on, but it look so ugly. I'm so picky today. I heard someone yell from down stairs, It sounds like IU, who wanting to get inside quickly. I run downstairs and open the door for her. Both of us went back to my room.She's wearing a well design pink dress with her hair braided. OH MY GOD!!! SHE'S SO CUTE!!! I SWEAR IF I WAS A GUY I'LL SURELY FALL FOR HER <3

"Damm! You're so cute" I said with a sparkly eyes
"You didn't know?" *flick her hair*
I quickly change the topic and worry about myself "Ya, Help~~ I don't know what to wear"

IU pick a dress for me. "Try this on, then wear this jacket" She picked up a white dress with blue stars surround the bottom with a long jacket. I love the style, it look so cute. IU really know a lot about fashion.

Jiyeon "Okay"

I went to the restroom, try on the dress and come back. It looks so good. I'm impress with myself.

IU "Woahhh! Perfect!!! Now lets do make up" I went to get the make up from my mom's room~ I don't ever buy make up since I don't know how to put them on. I sit down with IU sitting in front of me. She put on foundation, etc, then she put eyeliner on my under eye.


"STAY STILL WILL YA" she still focusing.

She finish my make up with some touch up to make sure both of my cheeks are even, I can see my eyes are getting watery -_- I have to walk looking up at the ceiling for a while or the tears will mess up the make up~ I look at my phone and its already 2. I quickly clean my room and tell IU to get ready. We went to Shinhye's house according to the address she gave us. We arrived at her house so we call her, telling her to come down... Her house is like a mainsion, The outside door are serve with two servant, who are well dressed. The house cover with beautiful bricks and flowers surround the inside door. I wonder when can I live in a house like that? Right then Shinhye walk out. She wave then run to our car... She look like a princess, I look like a potato compare to her.

Shinhye "Sorry for the wait"

Jiyeon "Woahhh!!! You're so pretty"

Shinhye "Thanks!!! You too !!"

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