They sent you away Intro Pt. 1 Y/n life P.O.V.

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Your 14, your YouTube and Social Media famous and have over 1.5 million fans and you're in the 9th grade you were a bad girl and caused a lot of problems in school, so they kicked you out. Almost every school you went to, you found a group of bad kids and became friends with them. Y'all would vandalize property every day on school grounds and always got caught, but somehow ended up never getting caught vandalizing off school grounds and in public places with your bad group of friends. You and your family were living in Oregon at the time and ended up running out of schools to go to, your parents finally got tired of moving and signing you up at school after school, so they sent you to a rehab camp for 5 years so you could become a little less bad and a lot more of a better person.

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