A Little Backstory

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At the ripe young age of six, girls are sent into the academy to live there until the age of 14 when they are paired with a man from their class, and sent off to live together. The girls share a dorm and clean and cook while the boys have a room to themselves to reside in while they revel in their studies. The genders are kept separate, their only interaction being when the girls serve the men.

Young Madeline met two close friends in her first year in the academy, Lydia and Anna . Madeline, a girl of fair hair and dark, massive eyes, was quite thin. She and her two friends were like day and night, as the other girls had curvy figures, dark hair, and lovely blue eyes.

In their first year, they were filtered, along with other girls their age, in with a group of boys who were four years older than them. Little did the young girls know, that these intimidating men would become their husbands in due time.

Nine years were spent serving these boys as they observed each girl's body and meek personality closely, forming a sexual attraction towards them. As their bodies grew and breasts formed, the boys' eyes became savagely hungry as they rested on a their chosen girl.

Come the time when the girls should begin their first periods, they were given pills to stop their periods from coming. Scared of the girls' reactions to the blood, not knowing what it was, the teachers left it up to the boys to explain and comfort the girls when they became husband and wife.

The same was true on the topic of sex, which all the boys lusted for and knew about. It would be up to them to decide when their girl was ready for it, and then to slowly and patiently show her how it was done. If the girl protested, tying her to the bed and having his way was both expected and encouraged.

Boys were taught to punish girls when they dared to disobey them, and thought nothing of it. Except for one boy. This boy, Jacob had a bit more genuine love for his girl than the other boys. He flinched at the idea of hurting her, even if it was for her own good. The hunger he had for her, though, could lead him to overcome his morals and have his way with her, which was what he most wanted, but also most feared.

Alas , the "choosing day", as the boys called it, proceeded to draw ever nearer for the men and girls of the academy.

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