Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The first day of school 


Y/n's POV

You got up and turned off the alarm. Today is your first day in Domino High school and you didn't want to be late. You went to the bathroom and took a bath and brushed your teeth. You came back into your room and searched for your school uniform. When you saw the girl's uniform for the first time, you were angry. Is the Director of Domino High, is he pervert? These short blue skirts were terrible so you decided to take matters into your own hands. Your mom was a famous designer and she made your skirt to be a bit longer. So now your skirt was below the knee. When you finished getting dressed it was not against the rules, they didn't tell you that you should not do it. The pink jacket was terribly also, so your mom added some decorations on it and you actually quite like it. Your mom took off the blue ribbon and cut it and from it made a part of decoration on your pink jacket. As for the shoes your mom also helped. She added the same decorations that are in excellent agreement with the jacket. You took your bag and walked towards school. Your phone rang and saw that your mom called.

"Hello mom how are you?" you said cheerfully. "I'm okay sweetie. How are you? How do you like my version of the school uniform" said the gentle female voice on the other side. "Mom I love it. I'll never be able to repay you for this. Thank you so much mom" "You're welcome my dear. I have to go now. Good luck in school Y/n" Mom said and hung up. You put the mobile in the pocket of your jacket and headed for the school. When you were near the school some two female students passed and you heard what they say: "Oh my God Yami is so sexy" the first one said. "Ahh every time when he smiles ah....," said another one. You rolled your eyes and walked away. "Tsk." You went into school and waited for the teacher to call your name. "Dear students, today we have a new student. Please say hello to Miss Y/n L/n" said the teacher and you came in. When you came in, boys were drooling over you and the girls gave you death glare because they were jealous. Same as the last school. But there was the one guy with three multicolored hair who wasn't looking at you. He was looking at his book and did not pay attention. He was short but cute you had to admit.
"Y/n sit next to Yugi. Yugi Moto raise your hand," said the teacher and then you saw that it was the guy who you were looking at. You sat next to him and you spoke, "Hey Yugi." "Um .... I .... h-h-hello Y-Y/n" said Yugi and blushed.

Then you felt someone touch you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw a guy with the same hair except a little different and with gorgeous violet crimson eyes. You had to admit that he was incredibly handsome but then you remembered something. "I am Yami Moto" He said and smiled.
You looked at him coldly and turned back and continued to follow the lesson

Yami's POV

That's strange, a girl has always spoken to me before but this one just gave me the cold shoulder. I might have to ask later on.

I continue to follow the lesson. After class Y/n stood up and went to her next class with her fanboys behind her. I run to her and call her "Y/n" but she didn't look at me. She just continued to go further.
Then I ran and grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me. "What do you want Yami?" she said coldly.
"Y/n I want to ask you why did you act like that to me at class. Why didn't you say anything, you just turn around?" I let her go. "Yami are we friends?" She said, looking at me a bit angry. "No, but..." before I finished the sentence she asked me, "Are we a boyfriend and girlfriend" "No..." I blushed a little.
"Then I have nothing to talk with you!" she said a little louder and went toward her class. I was speechless. I really did not know what to say. Shall I call her or not? I sighed and went to my next class. At my next class I did not pay attention to the lesson, I was thinking about what she said.

Why did she act like that?

I looked at her and saw that she follow the lesson and when it was time for lunch Tea, Tristan, Joey and Yugi immediately came up to me and talk with me. Since it was sunny we went out. Around our school was a lot of trees and a few tables for a sunny day like this. We sat at the table and began to eat and talk. I looked for Y/n but I didn't see her.

She's probably a little late.

"Guys does anyone think that Y/n looks familiar?" said Joey. "Wait you don't know who is she?" Tea asked a little shocked. "Well no" said Joey and Tristan at the same time. Yugi was silent and a bit sad. Tea sighed and said "Y/n is a famous model and is the Queen of Games." "What? Is that true?" I asked shocked. "Yes it is and her mother is also a famous designer and Y/n is extremely rich" said Tea. "Wow I didn't know that" said Tristan and Joey at the same time. We talking about it more and none of us didn't realize that someone was missing.

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