O: I know what your intentions were Case, I promise I'm not mad at you. Once I find out where my phone is I'll give you a call, okay?

After sending the message back, she looked in her bag for clothes, but then realized that Elliot had placed them in the dresser, again, how thoughtful of him.

Heading out of the shower and walking down the hallway, he saw that the shower was also running in the middle bathroom. At least she felt comfortable enough to use his shower he laughed to himself. Turning the TV off in the living room, he cleaned up the mess they had made with their midnight snack, turning down the lights, he headed back towards his bedroom, keeping the lights on and the door open for when she came looking for him after her shower. The day had really been stressful, and he was trying to figure out what he could plan to do tomorrow to make thing's a bit lighter. He had messaged Fin again and asked if he would want to come over tomorrow with the rest of the gang, figuring they could all hang out at the apartment and or head down to the pool room that they also had in the building.


Jumping a bit from being lost in his thoughts, he turned and saw Olivia standing against the door frame with her hair still wet from her shower and her pajamas on. Her face was completely free of the little makeup that she had been wearing early that night. Even with the bruises on her face, Elliot still thought she had to be the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Hey. Did you enjoy your shower?"

Stepping through the threshold of the room, she walked closer to him, but still keeping a slight distance from where she stood, and he, sat on the bed. "I did, it was very relaxing." She looked around tentatively, avoiding eye contact. " I uh- I wanted to thank you, for today. You really didn't have to run after me, nor did you have to let me stay at your place. It shouldn't be your job."

"No, it's not my job. Nor do I feel obligated to do so." Leaning forward, he grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to sit next to him on the bed, all the while turning to face her. " I am so glad that I went after you. I am also, very happy that I invited you to stay here, especially having you agree to do so," Sighing, " I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"You, Elliot Stabler, are the cheesiest guy I've ever met." Olivia laughed, resting her head on his shoulder, letting out a soft sigh. " So, have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Ah yes actually. The group is actually going to be coming over, you know to hang out for a while, order some Chinese food. Fin and I used to do that all the time. I already messaged Casey and she messaged the other girls and they've all agreed that they'd like to come over."

"Alright sounds like a plan. Well, since they'll be over in the morning, and considering it's almost 2 in the morning, I'm going to go ahead and get some rest. Goodnight El." Slowly leaning over, she presses a soft kiss on his cheek before standing up, walking out to the hall, shutting his door along the way to her room. Smiling, he touches his cheek at the ghost of her kiss still lingering on his face.


When Elliot woke the next morning, he heard music playing from the kitchen along with an extremely soothing voice singing along with it. Throwing on his discarded sweats that were on the floor along with a plain white T, he quietly exited his room and walked down towards the hallway, following the beautiful melody. Slowly entering the kitchen, he saw Olivia stirring something in a big bowl singing along to a country song that she couldn't quite make the title off, but whatever it was, it sounded like angels singing out of her mouth. Still singing, she began dancing around a little, poring the substance into a pan on the stove, Elliot having watched her long enough, decided to make his presence known.

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