We sat at the table and ate at the pancakes Lily made, they were so awesome. Chocolate and she even had syrup.

'It's just going to be...hard. We've all had this little routine for years, what's it going to be like when theres such a change? We're going to change, we'll be parents. It was hard enough when Barney almost married Nora, now this.'

'Lil, trust me it's going to work out so perfect. Hey, I bet you five dollars things will work out great?'

'It's a deal,' Lily giggled, 'And hey, do you know anything about the whole Barney and Nora thing?'

'I don't really know to be honest, my guess is that she couldn't put him through a fake marriage for a greencard but it's hard to tell at the minute. They're talking and stuff, guess we gotta just wait and see.'

'Yeah, I suppose you're right. How's Rebecca?' Lily smirked,

'Ah, actually there's something I gotta tell you about her...'

                                                                    The Next Day

Ever since I'd started to date Rebecca, her and Lily had got on pretty well together. They went shopping and had girlie nights when I had to work, but when I told Lily about her being married to the doctor guy, she immediately freaked out.

She called Rebecca every swear word she knew and got herself into a bit of a state, it took me like ten minutes to reason with her, I'd told her mine and Rebecca's plan to go and talk to this guy and make him see that I'm a good guy and that Rebecca has moved on.

But she still wasn't convinced.

This was just another problem in my list of problems, which I intended to shorten as soon as I possily could. Starting with this whole Rebecca and her ex husband situation.

I was running around the apartment trying to get ready as fast as I could, but I was getting distracted. Rebecca would be here in like ten minutes and I was still half-naked and un-showered.

 I was doing my Darth Vadar impression in the mirror in the bathroom when I heard Rebecca calling me from the living room seeing if I was ready to go. I wasn't. Damn.

I ran at super speed from the bathroom to my room, trying to not let Rebecca see me, so she wouldn't know I wasn't even a little bit ready to go, but by the groan I'm guessing she saw me. I'd have to work on my ninja skills more.

'Ted! Goddammit, I saw you! Hurry up and get ready!'

'I'm just grabbing my jacket!'

I was swearing under my breath I struggled into a pair of jeans and mis-matched socks. I felt around the closet for a sweater and was out in the living room in two minutes looking fairly wind-swept and interesting.

She gave me that look.

'What? I'm ready!'

She gave me a dirty look but softened when I went and put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder . I felt her relax.

'Let's just get this over with, ok?'

''Kay, baby.' She swivelled around to kiss me and off we went out the door holding hands.

Rebecca owned her own car and the ride over was comfortably silent.

We figured the only way we would get her ex to talk to us was to actually make an appointment in his office, we ofcourse had to use fake names and pretend Rebecca was pregnant but you win some, you lose some. I didn't know how this was going to go, he wouldn't let Rebecca see Layla because he was aparently taking it bad that Rebecca was seeing somebody else so soon,I just hoped that we could make him see sense. And to do that we had to make me come across as a completely sane, nice, gentleman who was mature and could deal with kids. 

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