Chapter Five

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Why was there a carpet on my face? ahh, I was on the floor. I think.

I opened my eyes and couldn't stop blinking, the room...hallway? Was all just a blurry mess. I might have slighty over did it with the drinking.

I opened my eyes wide and tried to gather my thoughts, today was important. What day was this? Thursday? Oh, no it was the day of the wedding. My wedding that is. 

It all came back to me in one earth shattering moment. Nora. Robin. The Wedding. The...Marshall..?

'Man, get up, get up now this is insane,' Marshall got real close to my face and started slapping me to get me up.

'What, I mean is Ted?' I managed to slur as I got to my feet,

'I don't know if the Wedding's gonna happen if we don't get in there and do something about those guests, it's crazy in there and there's only so much charm I can present to one room, ya know?'

I lolled my head to the side, trying to process what he was saying. What was he saying?

'What are you, ah trying to say, Marshmallow?' Then I laughed. Uncontrollably.

'Dude, a wedding is not a wedding without the bride and groom, we might as well get half way there before all hell breaks loose in that church!'

Half way there? Bride and groom...?

It clicked,

'Marshall, where is she?'

Suddenly I felt kinda clear headed, but only a bit.

'We...don't know man. She left a note, but Lily was with her like a minute before Ted found it so they're gonna try to find her, I'm sorry but maybe you can understand it. We sure as hell can't.'

Marshall held out a kinda crumpled, pink notepad page to me. I took it and smoothed it out on a small table in the middle of the hall.


Can't let you go through with this. I'll be in touch and explain. Sorry for everything.



'...And then this crazy guy just came right up to me and was all, ' well at least he isn't some trash working in a convenience store blah, blah, blah,' so I punched him right in the face and that's why I'm working in the arcade now. It really isn't that bad I mean I get to play the games completely for free after hours and...' Kyle droned on and on and on at breakfast, I nodded and made positive noises when necessary but to be completely honest I still wasn't over the fact that this guy knocked up my baby sister.

'-Kyle, sorry to interrupt but how much does this job at the arcade pay?' Kyle nursed his coffee cup and cleared his throat,

'Well, ah they aren't paying me yet see I just started working there like last week-'

'And you're taking a vacation? Ok, Kyle I want you and Katie to stay here in New York. Until the baby is born and you get a job that pays you in real cash rather than in letting you play arcade games in the middle of the night,' I scowled and leaned back in my chair. I remember one night a long time ago when Barney was drunk and leaned back too far in this very chair and fell, we all couldn't stop laughing. I smiled at the memory but it quickly retreated when Kyle began again,

'Robin, that's very kind of ya but trust me, I got this,' He got up and actually winked at me, how disgusting. 

As he was helping himself to some of my doughnuts, Katie appeared from the bedroom looking crinkled and tired. Her hair was sticking out at all angles and yesterdays makeup streaked her face.

'Katie, you should really take off your makeup at night because although you love to think your such an adult, you do have teenage skin.' I heard the venom in my words. If looks could kill.

'Thanks Robin but I can take care of myself,' Another dirty look before a smile spread across her face and she kissed Kyle. Ugh.

'Katie, I was just telling Kyle all about how you two are going to be staying here for a while. I'll have my friend Marshall find him a real job so that he will actually be able to-'


'No? Wow, didn't know you were capable of that word. But I don't want my niece or nephew to go without all because their father's lazy ass won't get a real job!'

'Hey, I do have a real job! You can't control her decisions forever, Robin.'

'You stay out of this, you've ruined your lives! This is ridiculous! So stupid! You could have waited, I know protection doesn't always work but nobody's this-'

'Robin! Katie and I...Well, we planned this. We wanted this, a baby I mean. We're in love so why wait?'

Speechless. I couldn't even form words.

Katie stood at the counter smiling at me. Smiling! The nerve!

I don't think I've ever been this angry in my entire life.

'Katie, I think I need to talk to you about something about me you don't know.'

Katie's smile faltered but she agreed and sat at the table with me, Kyle stayed there.

'Kyle, this is actually something I wanted to talk to katie in private about if you don't mind,'

'Whatever you need to tell me, you can tell him, we're a team,' Katie smiled warmly at him and grabbed his hand. He sat next to her, both of them looking at me expectantly.

I sighed,

The sun cast strange shadows onto the kitchen table, weird swirls and loops. Confused, I looked to the window to see what was causing this. A photo frame with the design sat on the old coffee table I'd had for years. 

Intrigued, I went to the frame and picked it up, it was a photo of Katie and me when she was just a baby and I was around fourteen, we were in front of our parents house in Canada with the family dog standing loyally by our side. She was chubby and smiley and I was all braces and perm, it made me chuckle.

'I hope you don't mind Robin, I bring it everywhere.' Katie gave me a sad smile as a tear escaped my eye.

Katie hopped off the chair and charged over into my arms. We cried and hugged for what seemed like a lifetime and just when I thought things were going to be better, Katie's sobbing would shake her and I would be reminded of the baby bump that shouldn't be there.

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