Chapter Sixteen

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'Does Robin usually work on a Tuesday night?'

'No, but she must've got called in.'

I walked back into the room with the beers but Barney ended up changing the channel. He looked so down all of a sudden, he was just fine a minute ago,

'Hey, what's wrong man?'

'I...Don't know really. Sorry I'm being such a downer, Ted maybe I should go.'

'Do you wanna talk about it?' 

'No, no. I'm fine. Seriously.'

'You know it's ok to not be fine all the time, I'm here for you, Barn, anytime you know that.'

'Yeah I know that Ted, thanks anyway. Catch ya later, though?'

'Sure, See ya.'

When Barney left I decided to get an early night. I still didn't know how I felt about Rebecca being still sorta married to this doctor guy, it was a lot ot take in after all. She was supposed to be the one I end up with, I knew we'd only been seeing eachother for a few months but it felt like the real thing. I could be myself with her, and I didn't want to do what I did with Robin and say that I loved her too soon. I wasn't that crazy.

And as for her stepdaughter, did I really want to be the cause of her not seeing her? I was feeling so weird, I know I wanted to be with her but was I really worthy of her? She was so amazing and sometimes it felt as though I liked her more than she liked me. 

Every night I had a hot chocolate and I didn't like my stupid little ritual to be messed with so right on que I made my drink and went to bed. I was even more tired than I thought and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Then I was woken up a little bit later. 

I could hear noises coming from the kitchen and felt uneasy, I couldn't handle a burgular! I would totally get beaten up, I haven't worked out in like a year. Oh God, what if Rebecca and I live together one day and a burgular comes into our house? How am I supposed to protect her! I'd have to start working out again soon.

I grabbed the first thing I saw, bottle of deodourant, and crept out of my room into the living room.

The room was basically pitch black save the light streaming in from outside on the street. I could smell...pancakes? Very faintly.

There was a shuffling sound from the kitchen and I moved over slowly before kicking open the door and spraying the deodourant randomly all over the place.

'Ted!' The voice made me stop and I opened my eyes to see a very surprised looking Lily standing with a frying pan.


'What the hell, Ted! I'll need to make more pancakes now, you've ruined them!'

'I thought you were a burgular!'

'And you thought what exactly, that you were going to deodourise them to death?!'

Then I burst out laughing and she joined in after a few seconds,

'Aw Lil, ' I went over and gave her a bear hug, maneuovering around the baby bump.

'You're such an idiot, man.'

'Whatevs, so why are you up at three am making pancakes? I'm not complaining but I mean it's not like you.'

'Can't sleep?'

'Yeah right.'

'Okay! I'm worried about the baby to be honest.'

'What have you got to worry about? You're gonna be a great mom.' 

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