I want to hear it from you

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"That's weird the abandoned house over there has lights on." Said Reba
"We should go check it out maybe that's where Susie was taken." Said Pake
Everyone shook their heads in disagreement.
"Why would someone take Susie so obvious." Everyone responded.
"Well I'm going to check it out anyway." Thought Pake
As the group continued on Pake wandered off toward the house. As he got to the door he saw movement inside.
"Hello is anyone in there?" He said while he knocked.
A man came to the door and dragged him in quickly.
"Who are you?" The man asked
Susie then spotted him.
"Pake run away!" She yelled
It was too late the man had him trapped.
"Hey where is Pake" Reba Said as she turned around and didn't see him.
"That moooron went to that house." Said Reba
They all agreed they needed to go back and help him. When they arrived at the house they saw both Pake and Susie tied up with the man and woman standing over them. Mama kicked the door with all of her might and the hodge broke. The 3 of them ran in. While Reba and Alice tackled the man and woman mama untied Susie and Pake. Once the man and woman where tied down the family started to question them.
"Why did you kidnap my family!" Reba yelled in their faces.
"Because we know you have secrets that you are hiding from the public you need to come clean." They responded
"We all have private things in our life that do not need to be shared!" the family answered
"Ok fine you caught us we are your biggest fans. We have been trying to meet you for years and you keep ignoring us." They said
"You think this is the attention you want to get." The family said.
"You're coming with us we are going to get this whole issue worked out with the police." Said Reba

Reba the survivorWhere stories live. Discover now