Chapter 5~New Arrivals

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  Tegran wouldn't deny she was a bit nervous as she stood at the door to Admiral Carraway's office. Her nerves weren't out of any lack of confidence in her abilities but rather a lingering side affect of being a kanmusu. Meeting a new CO was always intimidating, meeting an Admiral the word itself more than just a title. The Admiral was SecNav's chosen delegate. His designated apostle sent to spread His orders. Tegran's only comfort was that she was not alone in her instinctive fear.

"I wonder what he will think of us, being late reporting in and all." mused Olympia. The armored cruiser had her thoughtful face on, blue eyes titled slightly up, palm cupping her chin. Strands of her blonde hair had escaped her bun and now hung in ringlets around her face.

Her companion by contrast was a bit more enthusiastic, her scarlet red hair bouncing about her shoulders as she danced in place. "My first military assignment, ooh how exciting!"

"Now, now let's not get too worked up here Big U." Tegran chided while Olympia just rolled her eyes, more used to the excitable liner's antics.

Olympia and United States had both reappeared as kanmusu after New Jersey's explosion destroyed their hulls. They'd been wondering in a daze ever since but had happily met Tegran shortly after she arrived in New York. United States had been the first to recognize her. Tegran had made a few trips transAtlantic back when she was still Tiffany Andrews and United States, like most ocean liners, recognized her as one of them although she had no idea of her full identity. She greeted Tegran with a hug so tight that it popped several rivets and left the older girl gasping for breath.

Olympia, dully informed by United States' stories, was more professional. "So the mysterious kanmusu arrives." She said, offering a simple handshake.

Upon discovering that Tegran was headed for Lakehurst, United States was happy to accompany her. Olympia agreed to go along as well, if only to keep the hyperactive liner in line.

Now the three stood outside Admiral Carraway's office. "You two wait outside until I call you." Tegran said.

"Aww, okay." United States pouted.

"We shall wait here." Olympia agreed.

Tegran nodded, then knocked. "Enter."

At Carraway's approval, Tegran went inside. "Captain Tegran Sheera, RN reporting as ordered sir." She greeted.

"At ease Captain." Carraway had a pile of folders on one side of his desk but he held one in front of him currently. It was hers. "Your record breaking ascension in the ranks has impressed many, even on this side of the pond. I have one question for you however."

"Ask it sir." Tegran said.

"You could've had your choice of any base in the world to be stationed at, why pick a foreign one?" Carraway's question was as much a test as it was curiosity. Tegran decided to opt for the most honest answer she could give, while still disguising a lie.

"Well sir, as I have already proven under Collingwood's command, I have a good understanding of kanmusu. Not just the ships but the girls as well. I requested this assignment because if I may be frank sir," At Carraway's nod, she continued. "I requested this assignment because America has yet to grasp the proper formula for summonings. And while I cannot claim to understand all its particulars myself, I am the only officer available who has the best knowledge of it. Also, once you summon a kanmusu, there is a fine juggling act that must be performed. Get it wrong and the shenanigans will become your nightmares for weeks!"

Oh how much she didn't envy Collingwood in that department. The early summons were a disaster. Not the summonings themselves, but the aftermaths. "And you feel you can, assist us through the teething troubles Captain?" Carraway asked.

"Yes sir." Tegran replied. "And on that note, I have something to offer you at this moment."

"Yes Captain?"

"Kanmusu summonings are not as straightforward as they may appear at first. As there are actually two parts to them. The first is separating the girl from her hull. The second, is often what you see in the summoning circle. The summoning itself. Separation and summoning are two different steps. Although in most cases, the second is the only one you see as most kanmusu that have been summoned have had their hulls sunk or scrapped a long time ago."

"So what your saying is that ships don't have to be sunk to become kanmusu."

"Correct. Museum ships of a certain age, their hulls being 100 years or older can in fact self summon. Their spirit, previously invisible at least to those who don't believe they exist, appears in solid form but she is still bound to her hull. Although she can in fact separate at any time of her choosing. I can tell you that on my side of the Atlantic, HMS Victory had been around as a girl since your Civil War although she had chosen not to separate from her hull until now. As she felt she was not needed. WW2 nearly did it and she would've answered the call as a kanmusu had America not joined the war when it did. Constitution also has been around long enough to see both World Wars, going so far as to serve as a nurse in the Pacific. Japan's Mikasa, turning 100 just a few years ago is also present as a physical entity but has chosen so far not to separate from her hull. There is one other example I would like to bring to your attention. As she and her companion are both prime examples of the two different ways a kanmusu can be born. USS Olympia as you know was destroyed when New Jersey's magazines detonated."

"I am aware, yes. The Navy and the Coast Guard are having a hell of a time cleaning up the mess." Carraway said.

"Becuna was spared the worst of the explosion as Olympia took the brunt of it but the damage that she took is still extensive enough that I believe she will soon be scrapped and thus available for summoning. But back to the main point. Olympia had already self summoned before she had been sunk although she had yet to separate from her hull. With her hull now gone, she is a full kanmusu. New Jersey's explosion also caused significant and fatal damage to another ship docked downstream and downwind at the time. I have brought both her and Olympia here to report for duty."

With that, the two ships who had been waiting patiently and rather impatiently outside now stepped inside. Olympia was the picture of military discipline as she made a graceful entrance. United States by contrast was barely able to keep from sprinting up to Carraway's desk.

"May I present United States Protected Cruiser Olympia; designation C-6, and Steamship United States."

At Tegran's introduction both ships stood rigidly at attention. Olympia had her spine rimrod straight and United States was doing her best to copy her, going so far as to lift her chin to match the cruiser's profile. Tegran hid a smile.

"Welcome both of you." Carraway said. "As you've no doubt heard by now the United States desperately needs more kanmusu on the east coast. United States, you're to go to Boston and be refitted to carry cargo."

"Yes Admiral."

"Olympia, I'm afraid I don't have a cruiser barracks just yet so for now you'll have to bunk in the destroyer dorms."

"Understood Admiral." "United States, I'm assigning you the rank of Lieutenant. Olympia, you'll hold the rank of Commander, both effective immediately. You'll report to Captain Sheera who will in turn report directly to me."

"Sir!" The three ships (one disguised as human) all replied.


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