Chapter 32~ It Begins

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The Abyssals were taking tactics straight from the American's book. Battleships shelled the coast and aircraft streaked overhead dropping waves of ordinance on the base. Dunquerke joined up with Teste in an effort to hold them off. Whatever they did however would only delay the inevitable. The Abyssals had formed a picket line just outside the harbor and divided their fire between the base and the two battleships now mounting a defense.

Elizabeth helped to direct civilians out of the line of fire. Like kanmusu, Abyssals couldn't survive away from the sea and inland areas were safe havens for humanity. "Come on, quickly!" She shouted to a young girl who was falling behind. The girl was injured, a wound in the leg and she stumbled and fell before Elizabeth could grab her.

In the distance, Dunquerke and Teste were putting up a valiant defense but where slowly being driven back towards shore. The lead Abyssal battleship which bore a striking resemblance to , launched a salvo that Elizabeth somehow knew was going to strike where the girl was. She acted fast, launching herself to her and scooping her up, both landing against the side of a building while the shells rained down where they were just seconds before.

Fires raged all around. Seeing her fear so up close and personal did something to Elizabeth. It was like something in her mind gave way and all her memories became unblocked. And with them, her identity appeared. Her true identity. She blinked, looking down at the precious child she'd nearly died to protect. For her part the little girl looked up at her, confused. "Who are you?" She asked.

Elizabeth smiled for she finally knew the answer. For the first time since that terrible day in 1972 she gave her reply. "My name is RMS Queen Elizabeth. And I suggest you find higher ground." She said.

After handing the child off to a responsible adult, Elizabeth made her way into the harbor summoning her rigging effortlessly. To say that Dunquerke and Teste were surprised to see her would be an understatement.

"Liz, you look..." Dunquerke was stumped for words while Teste had enough to say for them both. "I knew it! I just knew it!" She exclaimed.

Dunquerke embraced the liner. "We can only delay these bastards. Is there any way you can slip through?" She asked.

Elizabeth looked at the blockade, then looked back at her lover. "I've run blockades before." She said. "Yes, I can."

"We'll distract them. Now go." Elizabeth jumped to it at Dunquerke's order. "And Liz, please come back."

The liner smiled. "I better find you to come back to Dunquerke or Davy Jones will find out how small the universe is when I'm mad at him." She replied.

"Count on it." The battleship promised.

Elizabeth was as good as her word, proceeding towards the blockade under the cover of her fleetmate's fire. She thought she heard cries of pain from one of the battleships but she did not risk turning around. She had to keep going. It was for them she was doing this. Help she needed to find for the sake of both France and England. She hugged the coastline to better disguise her from radar, counting on the early morning fog to hide her visually. After two hours with no sign of any persuence she increased to flank speed. There was only one place she could go with both France and England under attack and the eastern channel blocked off. Memories of her previous life flooded her and Elizabeth knew what she had to do. She set her bows west, for America and prayed the Yanks could answer her call for help.


Avoiding the combined Japanese-American fleet had been difficult. Dodging the British force sent out from India had been even tougher but Tosa smirked to herself as she entered the Northern Atlantic Ocean. 12000 nautical miles steamed and now they were nearing their target. The humans had no idea where she had gone. Satellite tracking didn't work on Abyssals. She had played her part well and she hoped her queen would reward her for her efforts. It hadn't been easy making the journey but thankfully the Abyssal held strongholds at Ascension and Cape Verde granted her fleet much needed refueling stops. Rest time had been limited but full bunkers made up for that.

The Pacific was lost, any fool could see that. With the Island Princess destroyed and those pathetic sisters annihilated, the Abyss' only hope lay with the Atlantic. Tosa re-reviewed the plan in her mind. While her queen engaged the Europeans, Tosa herself would launch an assault on the poorly defended country of her one true enemies. No doubt they had already deployed what existed of their meager forces to help the Europeans, so predictable. Once, in another lifetime had she lived, Tosa would've faced an endless wave of vengeful steel that claimed her dear sister. Now, that wave was no more than a trickle at best. How the mighty had fallen. And Tosa would ensure that fall only ended on her terms.

A bloodthirsty grin crossed the princess' face as her fleet entered Long Island Sound. Soon, her fleet would feast on human flesh. A substance more worthy to them than bunker fuel.

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