Street Rat

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I know that just about all of these have been peter centered,  but he's the only one I have ideas for so far. I mean I have some for Tony, Natasha, Steve, Thor, and Loki. It's just that I have to find the full inspirations to write it. 

So I've seen a few of these and wanted to write one of my own. In this Tony is Peter's biological father and May is still alive.

Summary: Peter and Tony are going out to eat and the servers try to kick Peter out.

Third Person

Peter and Tony were meeting up for their famous once a week get together's in public. In reality it wasn't anything special because Peter is over at the tower all the time. It's more of an excuse that Tony and May came up for Tony to spoil the kid rotten and he has no say in the matter.

It was Tony's turn to pick where they would go and he decided that they would go to one of his favorite Italian places Ricca Cagna. It was a high class restaurant, but he would have no problem in there.

As soon as he walked in the server was already trying to butter him up and give him the best table. "Are you going to be joined by anyone," the server asked. "Yep. If a teenager comes in here, send him this way. If it's not the one I'm looking for you can take them out," Tony said, carefully choosing his words as Peppers voice rang in his head. 'He's not to be known to the public yet. All four of us agreed that once Peter has graduated and done all he wants in college we will announce him taking over. We will announce him as your son after he graduates high school.' Meaning he can't just tell anybody that he was meeting with his son for lunch, even if it does sound shady.

It wasn't five minutes later that Tony could see the kid coming in from the window. In that same time frame he could hear yelling. Being the nice superhero he is, got up form his table to check it out. Turns out it was the server yelling at Peter.

"Umm Sir I'm meeting someone here," he could hear Peter trying to explain.

"You obliviously have the wrong restaurant. We don't allow street rats in here. Go try that worthless shelter down the street," the server yelled at him.

Tony thought that what he said was kinda harsh. Sure the kid had on a skinny jacket with faded jeans that have holes in them and messy hair, because he rarely brushes it, but Tony wouldn't say he was a street rat, or to go to a shelter. I mean the kid isn't covered in filth, he probably showered before coming here, and sure he has bags under his eyes like himself, but Tony wouldn't say he was homeless.

Once Tony could see the manager coming in, he decided to make his presence known. "Let the kid go. He's suppose to be meeting me here, but if that's how your going to treat someone I consider my guest, then I guess we'll have to go somewhere else. How's McDonald sound," Tony asked Peter. At the same time the manager looked shocked that Tony fucking Stark would rather go to some worthless fast food place then a five star restaurant. 

"Mr.Stark I can assure you this whole thing was a misunderstanding. It's just that we have a dress code policy here, and this kid just walked in saying he was suppose to be meeting someone. We had no idea it was you Mr.Stark. Please forgive us. I'll even fire Larry," the manager begged, at the same time Peter got a smirk, "Your a waiter and your name is Larry. Why am I the one getting harassed."

Larry scowled, nope he does not like this kid. Does not like him at all. "It's fine. We can still eat here if you want. I don't really mind where we go to," Peter told Tony as the manager was shocked that someone, much less a kid, could talk to Tony fucking Stark like that.

One look at the kid and Tony decided to stay eating here and keep Larry as their waiter, knowing that Peter was going to get his payback on the not so poor guy.

Tony was right. Peter had Larry go in and out of the kitchen to change his order about five times and bring him something different to drink each time, he had about ten drinks, but Larry couldn't do anything about it without getting fired.

Once they were back at the tower Peter told Tony goodnight and he got s good look at his face, yep. This was their best public outing yet, and it was all because Peter got to get sweet revenge on Larry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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