Truth III - Gin to Matsumoto

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Gin had acted like Ichigo was a failure. Yet that boy suddenly turned, and regained the will to fight. He left it so that Gin was now unable to fight, on the ground prone.

"Ichimaru…" came the weak voice from above him.

His eyes snapped open. "Rangiku? You shouldn't be moving."

"Baka! Why did you have to try and die!"

"So that Kurosaki can jump up in strength so that he can fight Aizen. Aizen didn't plan on Ichigo defeating me. He didn't calculate that… I think…"

"But what do you achieve if you die!"

"That you'll live…" Gin muttered. "You've kind of thrown that out the window… perhaps."

"It doesn't matter. I can't live without you…"

"What about our son?" the man muttered.

"Gin… I had a baby girl… she died," Rangiku shook her head, not liking his joke.

"No. I lied. I took the baby boy to my biological mother's place. You've been watching over him for some time." Gin felt a few tears fall onto his face. "That's the real reason that I did this. So he could have a future not in Aizen's control."

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