Chapter 1 (A New Day)

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It has begun. Kirxer has killed Saku and the rest of his friends. The guardian, Ghest believes that the custards were responsible for his attacks. She attempts the contact other shapes at the satellite station, but with no success. Without any delay, she prepares a plan to find all of the infected custards before going to the satellite station for help. It's up to her to find out the truth.

"....Dang it. For some reason, I can't contact the satellitestation for help. It looks like I'm on my own for now.." Ghest says and she got up. "It's dark... I'll need to find my night vision camera in the storage room before going outside. The storage room is locked though, but fortunately, I can unlock it from the control room. Once I get these custards, I can get to the satellite station for help, other shapes will be there. I must hurry!" She dashed out of her moniter room. "The control room is on the right.." She thought to herself. She went to the control room, when she saw a pipe. She picked it up. "A pipe. This could be useful.." She went to the pipeline. "Hmm... there's a pipe missing here..." She realised it was the pipe she picked up. She placed it where it belongs and looked at the pipeline for a small second. "Alright. Now I need to put maximum pressure on the main pipeline, the meter will dial into the red when it's done." She said to herself. She then turned a couple switches on the pipeline and then she had finished. "Great. The pressure is now at maximum. I should be able to open the control room door now." She went to the handle, then turned it with both hands. She then entered the control room, and then pressed a few buttons. The door to the storage room opened. "(sigh).. That should do it. Now let's get that night vision camera." She stormed off to the storage room, then once inside, grabbed it. "Alright, let's get those remaining custards before they do anymore damag-" She started but was cut off by the lights flickering and went out. "Huh...? Wh-What's wrong with the lights?" She turned on her night vision camera, then she heard heavy breathing that... sounded kinda like sobbing. Then she saw it, a weird looking shape that had no arms. "What is that thing!? Where did it come from!?" She saw some crates. "I should hide behind these crates so it doesn't see me." She hid, and it worked. Once it was out of her line of sight, she then ran towards the exit.


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