Meeting the Goblins

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TaraPoulton: Looks good I can't wait to read the rest of the rewrite!
Me: Thanks I'm trying to add more details while also fixing up some plot holes and maybe add a few new things in the story here and there to make it less confusing for some people and what not, maybe fix some spelling errors as well.

Speaking of which if any of you guys see a spelling error and let me know I will try and go back to fix it, I might not fix all of them but I will try to fix all of them that I can, Unless it's like a house-Elf talking then I will most likely leave that alone.

Harry was shaken awake by Dobby the next morning, "Master Harry Potter sir needs to be getting up he's be tolding Dobby to get him up so we's can be going to the bank," Dobby chirped. Harry groaned and rolled off the bed, stumbling to the bathroom to take a shower to wake him up, grabbing a few clean clothes from his trunk.

After spending at least half an hour in the shower, he walked to the kitchen dressed in his clean clothes and hair still drying. Harry sat at the table and started eating breakfast after thanking Winky, the one who had made it, causing her to blush and try to say that he didn't need to thank her, to which he responded with that Dobby and her deserve his thanks.

He won that round.

After breakfast Harry had Dobby take him to the doors of Gringotts. Harry bowed to the Goblins guarding the front of the bank before walking in, after they bowed back with a small look of surprise on their faces. Harry had learned from Dobby that it was good manners to bow to the Goblins.

Walking up to the teller he waited until the Goblin was finished making sure the gems were real and not fake before speaking,

"Greetings, Honorable Goblin. I wish to speak to someone about seeing my parent's last Will, I have no key but am prepared to take a blood test to determine that I am who I say I am." Harry bowed slightly to the Goblin, who looked shocked, before calling out something in a different language, but must have been calling for another Goblin as another one ran over a second later.

They exchanged a few brief words in the same language, before the teller turned to him, "This is Lurnaff, he will be taking you to the Potter Account Manager, where they will have you take an inheritance test to prove you are who you say you are," the Goblin smirked, "But be warned that if you are not who you claim to be, then you will be dealt with. Permanently."

Harry gulped at the threat but nodded, "Understood Sir." Lurnaff started leading him through the maze that was the Bank, after a while but they stopped in front of a set of ornate doors with a crest of some sort. Lurnaff opened the huge door and pushed him in the room, before slamming the door closed, causing him to jump in shock at the noise.

Looking around, Harry noted that there were plenty of weapons on the walls; all that could be used to kill him if the Goblins wanted to. Finally noticing the Goblin sitting behind the desk, Harry walked over slowly, but not too slowly in case he made the Goblin mad.

When Harry got close he saw a plaque on the desk which read, 'Grinlast, Potter Account Manager', and bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

"You claim to be Harry Potter do you not, human?" Grinlast raised an eyebrow, "You may look like the Heir of Potter, but we shall not know for sure, until you take the test. Are you willing?"

"Yes Manager Grinlast, I am grateful for the chance to prove that I am who I say I am."

"Very well then." Grinlast took out a stone bowl with runes Harry didn't recognize all over it, and started pouring a light blue potion into it. He handed Harry a knife embedded with gems into the hilt and runes onto the blade. "Use this to slice open your hand, and let your life-blood run until the potion changes into a dark red color. Worry not, as your hand will heal afterwards."

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