"It was so real." Todd choked.

Sally looked a Larry who got up and sat next to them on the bed. Once Todd's cries had subsided he sat up.

"Thank you guys. It means a lot. I don't normally get affected by nightmares but I guess this one is a bit more relevant than being chased by a giant spider."

Both boys chuckled.

"Did you say you were getting them too?" Todd asked straightening up.

"Larry had one tonight and I've been having them all week." Sal said.

"What'd you think it means?" Larry questioned.

"Probably just what Sally said. Trying to put us off the idea of preforming the exorcism."

"That's it!" Larry said suddenly standing up.

"I'm most worried about Sally getting attacked again, Todd, you're most worried about screwing up and Sal's most worried about people getting killed!"

"This proves it's all in our heads." Todd says looking a lot more confident. "It's catering to each of our fears. I bet Travis is having nightmares too."

"I think he's living a nightmare already to be fair." Sally said.

Todd nodded and Larry simply let out a yawn.

"Todd you can stay here until the morning if ya want." Larry said lying back on his bed.

"I'd normally say no but this time I'll stay." Todd said.


The next morning was not exactly pleasant for the 3 of them. It was English first and they all looked like they'd had no sleep. Even Todd was struggling to concentrate. Eventually the teacher said they could continue working on their group work which meant they finally got a time to talk.

"You all look awful." Ashley said.

"We all had nightmares last night." Todd said with a yawn.

Larry had fallen asleep on the desk. Sal was leaning on him when he turned to look at Travis who looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"Looks like Travis was having them too." Sally said to Todd. "I'll invite him over here again if that's ok."

Todd nodded while yawning again and Sal got up to speak to the blonde. Moments later he returned to his table with him.

Travis pulled over a spare chair and sat down, Ash refused to look at him.

"Did you all have them too?" He asked looking at the tired faces.

"If you're talking about nightmares then yes." Todd replied.

"Oh! I've got something for you." Travis said suddenly.

He went over to his table and came back with some books.

"There's more, but they're in the church. I'll get the keys from my dad and we can go tomorrow after school."

"Who's 'we'." Larry said suddenly awake.

Sally elbowed him.

"Sounds like a plan. We can go back to my apartment afterwards to do more planning."

"How's the Latin coming along Todd?" Travis asked.

Sally was surprised, this was the first time Travis had ever actually been particularly nice to Todd.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it actually." Todd said. "Thanks to those books you leant me."

"Wait you have books on how to speak Latin?" Sally asked.

Travis nodded. "My father tried to teach me when I was younger but I never picked it up." He looked slightly uncomfortable talking about that, like it was a bad memory. Sally had many of those, he could tell that Travis wasn't talking about a fond father-son bonding moment.

"What time should we meet after school?" Sally asked.

"How about half 4?" Travis replied. "So I have time to get the keys."

"Sounds good."

Travis almost grinned and went back over to his desk.

"Good god I can't wait till this is over." Said Todd putting his head on his desk.

"Me too Todd." Sal replied. "Me too."

OwO shit's getting spicy. Also I feel so bad for Travis ówò. Imagine having a father who you're terrified of, being gay but hating yourself for it then being possessed and assaulting your crush. Then probably hating yourself for that too, even if it wasn't your fault. God I love Travis tbh he deserves to be happy. 💖💖💖

Beer Cans and Bandages (Sally x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now