Chapter 4

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"Sal, dude get up"

"Piss off"

"I've been gone 5 minutes and I come back and you're asleep, are you sure you slept well last night?"

Sal sat up, he looked over to see Larry sitting on the end of the bed holding multiple medicine bottles.

"Jesus Christ Larry I hope you're not trying to drug me" Sally laughed

"I em, didn't know which one to bring so..."

Sally laughed again. He reached over and took one of the bottles out of Larry's hand to examine the label. As their hands brushed together Sal felt the heat build up in his cheeks again. Thank fuck for that mask.

He took off the lid and poured out a small amount of pills. About 3. He put them in his mouth and swallowed.

"I don't know how you do that" Larry said looking over at his friend.

"Do what?"

"Dry swallow those pills dude, I'd choke and probably die if I did that"

"It's not hard"

They sat there in Larry's room for what seemed like forever just chatting about whatever subject they could imagine.

"Hey, you wanna go and get some food?"

"Sure thing"

They left pretty quickly and headed for their local corner shop. After paying for some chocolate and crisps they headed over to the woods. Still just chatting. Sal wondered sometimes if they would ever run out of things to talk about, for now it seemed they never would.

"I used to go to the woods near my old house a lot." Sally said suddenly, what he said next came out before Sally even had a chance to think it through his head.
"I used to drag my mum in as well, we would explore it together"

Sal noticed Larry looking a bit stiff, as if he didn't really know what to say. Sal couldn't blame him, he had never spoken about his mother before.

"You miss her don't you?"

Sal felt a lump in the back of his throat, he couldn't cry now. He hadn't cried about his mother in years. So why was it all coming back to him now? He tried to muffle a very quiet sob so it would hopefully sound like a cough but it sounded more like a hiccup than anything. Larry noticed this and pulled Sal into his chest.

"It's ok dude, I won't judge you for bein' upset"

Sal sniffed and hugged his best friend back. It gave him an opportunity to notice just how good Larry smelt. Like hot chocolate and pizza. Not a good mix together but Sal could only smell them separately.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" He said, reluctantly pulling himself away from Larry's warm chest.

"You sure? Let's go back it's getting cold anyways"

Sal nodded and they started walking back to the apartment. What happened next could've made Sally possibly choke. He felt Larry's hand suddenly in his own. It was as though lava was being poured on his face with the heat it was producing. He was so shocked but tried to keep calm. They reached the apartments and Larry's hand left his as he opened the door. They walked in together, the emptiness in Sally's hand all too noticeable.


Hello again! Sorry for the long wait I've had a lot going on at the moment but holy fucking shit 400 reads I'm actually dying. Like actually thank you so much. This means so much to me. I hopefully won't take as long with the next chapter so see you then! (Also apologies for how short the chapter is)

Beer Cans and Bandages (Sally x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now