When You Get Back

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She tapped her fingers anxiously against the wood table top, nails chipped and gnawed to the stub.

"When is he coming back? The war is over, I mean, the orcs never even reached this area. What if he didn't make it? What if a horrible goblin got to him before he even made it half-way? What if he starved to death? What if he drowned? What if he was trampled by a bunch of horses? What if he-"

"Mira! Have a drink, they'll be back soon, I can feel it. You don't have to worry so much."

"I'm sorry, Rosie, but I can't help it. I'm very anxious for Pippin to come back to the Shire."


"I wonder if she's all right,"



Merry toothily grinned for the first time in which seemed like years, "Ah, Mira Boffin. The one that managed to capture my cousin's heart."

"Shut up, Merry!"

"But it's true,"

"She probably doesn't even remember who I am," Pippin sighed and slouched on the miniature horse he was riding. Ever since the war ended and they had started on their way back to the Shire, Pippin's thoughts always strayed to the pretty little she-hobbit.

"How can she not remember you?" Merry reasoned, "You set off a giant firecracker that almost ruined Bilbo's party!"

He couldn't help but chuckle a bit.


"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there," she bent down to help pick up whatever had been dropped, "A firecracker? What's this for?"

He beamed, "You'll see, ma'am! And I must say, it'll be quite a surprise, too!"

Mira nodded her head, a little confused, but excited as well. Finally, there might be some action at the birthday party. She watched him waddle over to another hobbit.

He couldn't believe it. He, Peregrin Took, had successfully snatched the biggest firecracker from Gandalf's cart (without getting noticed) AND managed to run into the prettiest she-hobbit he had ever seen.

She was drinking a quart when the cracker went off. It carried a tent around with it, before burning the fabric out of the way. The cracker flamed into a sparkling pyro-dragon, wrecking havoc and causing alarm throughout the party guests. Finally the dragon stopped and exploded into the most extravagant display of the night. Mira spotted the hobbit she ran into and his companion gaping proudly at their work before Gandalf strode over to them and grabbed the two by their hobbitish ears. She couldn't help but laugh at the trouble-makers.

Pippin heard her laugh. Lord, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, besides the slosh of beer being poured into a tavern mug. He looked over and saw her looking at him, one hand covering her mouth and the other holding a glass. Pippin winked and she laughed even more, her auburn curls bouncing with each intake of breath.

She noticed him later, after Bilbo made his grand exit, cleaning dishes with his friend. Mira walked in to the tent and cleared her throat, "Hello,"

Pippin's ear slightly twitched at the sound of her voice, "Ehhh, hello," Merry looked at him strangely before walking out.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I ran into you, and I feel bad for not catching your name."

"Oh, that's fine, really. I'm Peregrin Took, most hobbits call me Pippin."

"Pippin," she mumbled, rolling the new word on her tongue. What a cute name, she thought, "Pippin. Nice to actually meet you, Pippin Took," she giggled softly, "I'm Mira, Mirabelle Boffin."

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