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I went out and since it was somewhat windy i didnt forget to take my jacket with me.I went to my usual and favourite cafe.I went and shouted"yo !jiminie...".A cute and short guy came smiling to me,"hello my dumpling" i laughed all along because only he can call me that cause we were childhood friends,anyways.I said,"can i get my usual order americano
?" i smiled to him and hold onto his arm."obviously my dumpling,you can come and have a sit "he gestured me to the table near.I sat and he went to take my order i literally forgot everything and even that mr.cold.I really cant believe this pabo has a lot of control huh??😉i was so angry but im fine now but anyways who cares ill enjoy.Jiminie came back with my order as he also sat down next to me."so tell me how are you my dumpling~~??"i laughed the way he said dumpling ,his eyes literally disappears."i am fine,i just came after so many days im so sorry jiminie" i pouted to him.He chuckled at me "yah! its okay dumpling but dont forget me arraso??""well how can i do so right?...by the way i am dealing with a problem i dont know what to do?" he asked me worriedly"what happened exactly?" I laid back on the comfy chair and replied,"its just that i have a classmate and he is weird and he is very rude and unfortunately we are assigned as project partners and he refused to work with me so basically i have to take the work you know.And today i just laughed at him in the class little and he got angry and we had a fight" he was so shocked after hearing what i said ,yeah... i understand im also wondering when i became like this.He said,"i really cant believe that you guys fought i mean a little arguement maybe but still you into these things im shooked...but yeah ill help you out just ignore him thats all he is just a cold jerk head,you have me by the way" he said it as if it was a simple task to do."i rolled my eyes,"you should  be understanding what i want to say ....jiminie you know i am not like this but i guess i have to keep myself nice and try to ignore that mr.cold"he smiled and ruffled my hair"good girl,thats why you know I love you my pure dumpling~~" i nodded and smiled at him he is such a good friend.Suddenly i got a call i checked 'kookie?'.I picked up and answered,"hello kookie ?""no--ona.....please come back home fast as possible..."he was sobbing and trust me i never heard him crying he is very strong person.But hearing i got panicked and rushed home waving jiminie good bye.He didnt bothered to ask me and told me to talk later.I reached home i was sweating i was panicking like hell.And my heart beat was increasing as if I m a marathon player.I saw appa and kookie crying, I rushed to them"appa jungkook what happened tell me please??" I call kookie by his actual name when im angry or worried.Appa looked at me and his eyes were red in colour and his hands were shaking like anything.He said,"Y--oouur....halmeoni." i started panicking again im nervous what happened to halmeoni she is fine right?when appa said"halmeoni....passed away dear...."and he breakdown again in tears and this time kookie was also flushing in tears.My world stopped and i couldnt think of anything .My mind was blank.And suddenly my tears started falling...i also brokedown.I shouted while crying,"THIS CANT BE .....YOU ARE JOKING TELL ME S--HE-- IS ALIVE RIGHT APPA.....JUNGKOOK TELL ME SOMETHING  THAT THIS IS NOT REAL".I went out .I just went wherever my mind takes me.I went to the nearest park and mumbled to myself,"no andweye....s--h--e w---as so well last time i called...why god why you did this to me.I never hurted anyone but you took my only one away.....wae?????"Tears strolled down my cheeks i just couldnt believe that i just lost her."first i lost my omma and now halmeoni!!". I thought how unlucky my day is.I cried so hard that i fell on my knees and cried hard,as i felt a tap on my shoulder.I looked up sniffing.

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