"Hey, McQuaid!" Someone yelled and the three of them turned around. It was one of the guys in their suspect's gang. "Pittsburgh wants to see you."

"Does he now?!" Michelle lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her chest giving a 'tough girl' attitude. "Did he say why?"

"No, but he wants to see you alone."

Tom didn't like the tone of the boy's voice and immediately stepped in.

"Tell Pittsburgh that Michelle doesn't go anywhere without her brothers."

"My brothers are not my babysitters. Tell him that if he wants me alone, then I'll come alone." She said shooting an annoyed look at Tom's direction.

When the other boy left Tom grabbed Michelle's arm before she could walk away.

"Are you mad?! You can't go alone!"

"Yes I can and I will." She said pulling her arm out of his. "I'm not a baby, Tom. I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, but --"

"No buts. You and Doug can keep an eye on the other members of the gang."

Hanson hated this but he knew he wouldn't change her mind.

"Ok, fine. Just be careful."

"I always am." She smiled.

Tom had a bad feeling and he felt like he was going to be sick. He let himself be dragged away by Penhall while watching Michelle walking in the opposite direction.

As it turned out Rory Pittsburgh was waiting for her around the corner on the school's side. He was casually leaning on the side of the building and smirked when he saw her coming.

"You wished to see me." She said in a firm tone.

"I'm glad you came." He said, pushing himself off the wall and making a few steps towards her. "And I'm glad you didn't bring those two buttheads along with you. They seem to follow you everywhere."

"They're my brothers." Michelle reminded him coldly. "And even if most of the times I find it quite annoying they're only taking care of me and are trying to protect me."

"And with good reason." Rory didn't seem affected by her firm tone at all and he let his eyes travel shamelessly all over her. "If I had a hot sister like you I probably wouldn't let her out of my sight either."

"And besides you asked to see me alone, didn't you?!" She tried to control her anger and fought the urge to slap him across the face by reminding herself that she should not screw the case.

"Well I wanted to talk to you alone."

"Yeah I got that. What I don't get is why would you want to talk to me."

He made a step closer but when he lifted his hand she made a step back. However he only smirked and made another step towards her his fingers travelling up her arm. Moving to stand behind her he removed the hair from her neck and smacked his lips on the bare skin. She closed her eyes in disgust and it took her everything not to shove him away off her.

"You intrigue me. You're not only beautiful but feisty and I like that. I wanted to get to know you." He whispered in her ear, leaning closer and brushing his cheek against hers.

"We'll meet again very soon and you're going to be my girl." He said with a tone that showed he was dead serious.

Giving her a quick peck on the cheek he walked around her and winked before walking away.

She waited for him to disappear from view and wiped her neck and cheek with her sleeve. That guy disgusted her and it took her everything not to hit him and then cuff him right then and there. Shaking her head she walked around the corner only to find Tom and Doug impatiently waiting for her at the school entrance.

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