Chapter 4

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a/n: Hey, guys! Sorry for not updating for awhile. I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas and Amazing New Year! 3 Read and review and most importantly enjoy! :)


It was early in the morning and Michelle was in the chapel waiting for Tom and Doug to pick her up so they could go to the school together, but her thoughts drifted elsewhere. She hadn't heard from Dennis since that day when he rode off from her place and she was starting to get worried. She sighed and leaned her head backwards a bit before closing her eyes. She remained like that for a couple of seconds when she heard footsteps but before she could open her eyes again they were covered by a pair of hands and warm breath tickled her neck. A big smile lit up her face and she gently took the hands in her own, kissing them softly.

"I missed you." She said, turning her head slightly and looking up to stare at the painfully familiar brown eyes she loved so much.

Dennis smiled and moving in front of her he leaned to press his lips onto hers.

"I missed you too."

She pulled him closer and wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her body against his. One of his hands was on the small of her back and the other was on her hip. When they released from the kiss to take a breath she put her arms around his neck. Her own fingers were buried in his dark mess of hair. Reluctantly she broke the kiss for air.

"I wish we could finish this but Hanson and Penhall will be here any minute now to pick me up so how about you come over to my place tonight and we'll have some real fun?" Michelle grinned seductively.

Dennis smiled and nodded.

"Ok, we've got a deal."

They both chuckled and she kissed him again, holding him close. She could never get enough of him.

The loud sound of someone clearing his throat behind them caused them to pull away abruptly and they stared at Hanson and Penhall who were looking back at them with different facial expressions. It was clear that Doug found the situation funny, but the expression on Tom's face was showing how upset he was and anger and hurt were visible in his eyes.

Not wanting a scene between Booker and Hanson Michelle quickly gave Dennis one last kiss and jumped from her desk.

"We have to go now but I'll be waiting for you tonight." She told him with a wink and motioned for Doug and Tom to follow her outside.

Hanson gave Booker one last look and walked out of the chapel.

They climbed into Tom's baby blue Mustang and rolling the window down Michelle turned around just in time to see Dennis walking out of the chapel. She waved to him seconds before Tom drove off.

At first there was silence and Doug was the first one to break it.

"Did you tell him?"

Michelle only shook her head.

"No, I'll tell him tonight."

Doug gave her an understanding nod and for the rest of the drive they discussed their case.

"My first class for the day is maths and our suspect is also in it so I'll try to get his attention. What classes do you boys have?"

"Actually we have the same class as you." Doug said.

"Well, hopefully we'll do better today. I don't know about you but yesterday was a total waste of time for me." She sighed shaking her head.

They arrived at the school and after Tom parked the car they got out.

Borrowed TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora