Chapter 2: An Unfortunate Event

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                                                                           -Another Time Skip-

Elizabeth: So...our parents were in some secret organization together and that's why all of us keep having unfortunate things happen to us

Isadora: Well to Duncan, Klaus, Violet, Sunny, and I yes. You and Priya haven't really had any unfortunate events happen to you yet.

Priya: *Spots someone in the hallway out of the corner of her eye*

Klaus: Are you okay Priya?

Priya: *Looks away from the door* Yeah

Elizabeth: There's no way my parents were in an organization with your parents. There not rich and they're certainly not cut out for anything like that.

Isadora: Then how could-

Vice Principal Nero: *over the loudspeaker* Elizabeth Snicket please report to my office IMMEDIATELY!

Elizabeth: I better go before I get in worse trouble *Runs off*

Duncan: *Watches longingly as she leaves*

Isadora: What do we do about the book?

Duncan: *Keeps staring at the now empty door*

Isadora: DUNCAN!

Duncan: W-What?

Isadora: *Glares at her brother*

Duncan: Oh sorry

-In Nero's not so humble abode-

Nero: Sit down feeble human

Elizabeth: *rolls her eyes and sits down*

Nero: Let me get straight to it since this is a bore. *Sits in his chair* Your parents have died in a mysterious fire. I would put you in the orphan shack but I already have 3 rodents in there. So you'll have to go in the broom closet with the Quagmires.

Elizabeth: *Stares at the ground, tears brimming in her eyes*

Nero: Oh I almost forgot *Grabs something out of a drawer* Your parents left you this *Hands the red and black colored box to Elizabeth*

Elizabeth: *Takes box, feeling upset and curious*

Nero: Now go! I have to practice for tonight's performance

Elizabeth: *Walks out of the room, holding back tears and runs her fingers through her hair*

-In the library-

Violet: Why do I have the feeling something unfortunate just happened in Nero's office?

Sunny: *strange baby noises*

Duncan: What did she say?

Violet: She said "because something unfortunate did happen"

Isadora: Want to go look for her?

Duncan: Yes

Klaus: Sure

Priya: *nods*

Violet: *Picks up Sunny* I guess we all agree then

                                                                              ~End of chapter 2~

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