Chapter 4: Answers and Surprises

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Violet smiled at Her.

Isadora: Do you happen to like Duncan?

Violet: Heavens No! If anything I prefer girls to boys

Isadora: Oh *blushes* Same

Violet: Heh. *blushes too*

Sunny: *Baby Language* I ship it

An hour later....

Klaus and Priya Came back downstairs

Duncan, Elizabeth: And what were you two doing for an hour? Hmm?

Priya: -Reading...I-umm LOVE books *Thinks: And other things now...*

Klaus: Y-Yeah *blushes*

Priya: Reading...Gotta love. Books

Priya and Klaus exchanged looks like, oh , shit they don't believe us.

Klaus: *trying to change the subject*

Priya: Klaus it's not gonna work-Him and I were-Umm

Elizabeth: You were?

Duncan: *Is pretty much on the floor laughing at their embarrassment*

Priya: *going red* Well uh...

Elizabeth: It's fine guys

Priya:*buries her face on Klaus' s chest to hide her embarrassment*

Duncan: *through laughter* Guys don't worry we don't think anything happened

Priya: But uhh, we Erm kinda-maybe just a-

Elizabeth: Priya it's fine. Don't get flustered. Anyway, what should we all do now?

Klaus: Um...

Isadora: Maybe you could tell us why your were upset earlier, Elizabeth.

Duncan: Yeah..*Grabs his typewriter without Elizabeth seeing*

Elizabeth's happiness deteriorated, her joyous expression replaced with one of sorrow.

Elizabeth: I-It's really not something you should be concerned about. It's a personal thing...

Priya: Oh come on just tell us. You know you can trust us with anything.

Sunny: *In her baby talk* Your parents died, didn't they?

Violet: Sunny you shouldn't just assume that

Klaus: That might not even be the case

Isadora: What did she say?

Duncan: *Stares at the baby Baudelaire with a burning curiosity*

Violet: *Takes a deep breath* She said "Your parents died, didn't they?"

Elizabeth: *Looks down at her hands, remembering the gutting information she received from Vice Principal Nero*

Isadora: *Isadora felt broken all of a sudden as her face grew concerned* Did they?

Everyone looked in Elizabeth's direction with an intense, burning desire for an answer. The young Quagmire boy especially.

Elizabeth: *Without looking up from her hands, nods slowly*

Duncan: *Stares at the younger orphan with sorrow filled eyes* H-How did it happen?

Isadora: *Gives her brother a glare that says "You're really asking that now?"*

Elizabeth: A-A mysterious fire...

Sunny: *Reads what Duncan typed*

Suddenly, the 7 children heard a voice on the loudspeaker.

Nero: *Over the loudspeaker* All students please report to the field for a Pep Rally IMMEDIATELY!

Duncan: I don't which word I hate worse...Pep-

Isadora, Elizabeth: Or Rally

The 7 students got up from their seats and left to go to the one place where they'd see someone they thought they'd never see again. It would also be the place where healed wounds would split open again.

                                                         ~End of Chapter 4~

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