Ever since the day we left, Angel hadn't been talking to me. I knew she was hurting as much as I did. Sometimes, I could hear her crying at the back of my mind. I was the one who tore us away from our mate, our one and only mate.

I'm missing you again, Chase.

I buried my face into his shirt and took deep breathes but I could only catch a tiny bit of his scent.


I was enjoying the moment when a low growl echoed through the surrounding. I quickly stood up and prepared to leave when I came face-to-face with a wolf with dark brown fur. I took a few steps back when I saw more rogues coming out from the bushes. Taking a one last glance, I turned around and sprinted out of the forest.

'Alpha Jayden, I'm around the lakeside. There are rogues found on our land. Please help.' I quickly informed Jayden about my situation.

'Hang on, Ava. We are coming.' Jayden responded immediately.

I then tried to mind link Angel. 'Angel. Angel. Please come out. I need your help.'

But there wasn't any respond from her. 'Angel, please.'

And there was still no respond from her.

Just before I could get out of the forest, the dark brown wolf pounced on me. He growled fiercely at me and snapped his canines at me.

"Go away!!" I gripped Chase's shirt tightly in one hand and I stretched my other hand to reach out for any tree branches that were lying on the ground.

"Go away!!" I took the branches, soil and grasses or any other things that I could grab and threw  at the wolf. The moment he got a little distracted, I slipped passed him and scurried away. However, I didn't manage to make it far when other wolves started attacking me. One of the wolves bit hard into my shoulder causing me to scream out in pain. And other wolf bit Chase's shirt and ripped it away from me. He swung the shirt away to the side.

"Noooo!!!" That was his only item I had with me!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Just when I didn't notice it, another wolf sunk his teeth into my thigh.

I wriggled under their hold and growled lowly at them. The only item that had Carl's scent on it. I need to get it back. I struggled and tried to break free from them. I howled in pain when their canines went deeper into my flesh.

'Ava (Angel)!!' I heard Jayden's(Jake's) voice rang in my mind. And I felt all the grips on me were released. I stood up on my paws slowly and saw Jayden and the others were fighting the rogues.


I looked around the area to see Chase's shirt lying a few meters away. I dragged my wounded body across the ground bit by bit to retrieve the shirt. I could feel my energy slipping away. My throat started to get very dry. I licked my mouth and continued heading towards his shirt.

 I needed to get it back.

Just a bit more.

My legs started to get all wobbly. The moment the shirt was within reach, I fell to the ground shifting back to my human form.

I reached out for the shirt and hugged it to my chest. I took a glance at the shirt. A smile formed on my lips.

I got it back.

I felt relieved and calm as I held his shirt with me. I closed my eyes and lay on the ground not moving. I was so tired. And with his shirt, I was able to get a sleep this time. Finally.

"AVA!!! AVA!!!" Suddenly, I heard someone shouting my name. And this voice sounded like him.

"Ava!!" I was being lifted up and placed into his arms.

"Ava, open your eyes and look at me. I'm Chase. I'm here now." Chase?

"Please open your eyes for me. I'm here I'm here. Don't sleep. Don't sleep." He was blabbering non-stop until his sentences turned into cries.

"Ava, please open your eyes. You don't have to be afraid. Nobody is going to hurt you anymore. I'm here with you." He hugged me tightly in his arms and rocked me to and fro.

"P-Pain." I managed to force a word out.

"Ava? Ava! Ava! Oh god! Ava, stay with me. Stay with me." He said over and over again. I forced myself to open my eyes a little and there he was.

"C-Chase." Tears were dropping fiercely the moment I saw his face.

"Ava. Ava. I'm here. I'm right here with you."

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"No. You are not dreaming. I'm here. I have come for you." He said quickly. I smiled lightly at him.

"I miss you so much." I stared at him for another 2 seconds before the image in front of me was replaced by darkness.


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Last edited 17 June 2018

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