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You were standing between Kraglin and Narblik as Yondu paced in front of his Ravagers, lecturing about the day's mission.

"Should be a pretty easy job today. Ain't expectin' no problems, long as y'all don't screw nothin' up. We're jus' gonna go in, take out the guards, grab the goods, an' go."

He strode past you as he talked, and you couldn't help admiring the dashing figure he cut in his duster. Dragging your attention back to his face, you realized he was smirking at you.

"Got anythin' to add, Y/N?"

Blushing furiously, but trying to play it off, you replied, "Nope. Sounds good."

"Good." He winked, then continued, "Accordin' to the reconnaissance crew, there shouldn't be too many guards on site at this time of day. Should be landin' soon, so y'all go ahead an' get ready."

As the group of Ravagers started making their way closer to the exit, Yondu fell into step beside you.

"Saw ya enjoyin' the view."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I had just zoned out while listening to you. That happens a lot when you're talking."

"If any of the others said that to me, I'd send my arrow through 'em."

"Ya gonna kill me, Captain?"

"Nah," he relented. "Yer one of the only ones I got with any sense, even if ya do have a smart mouth."

"You know you love it."

He huffed a laugh, and shook his head. "Didn't know what I's signin' up fer when I asked ya to join my crew, that's fer sure."

You grinned at him, and he continued, "Think we jus' landed. I better get to the front before these idiots all get off the ship at the same time an' announce to the guards we're here."

"Good idea."

He nodded at you, then began making his way to the exit doors.

You knew you shouldn't enjoy talking to Yondu as much as you did. Number one, he was the Captain. Number two, you were quite sure he thought of you as just another member of his crew.

You sighed as you doublechecked that your quad blaster was in its holster on your hip, then stood on your tiptoes to see if the doors were open yet. They were, and you could see that Kraglin was sending the crew out a few at a time. When you reached the doors, Yondu was nowhere to be seen. You figured he'd left with the first group.

You heard Kraglin's wrist communicator beep, and he said, "That's the signal. Let's go."

You followed Oblo, Narblik, and Horuz off the ship, as Kraglin entered the code to close the doors. He caught up to the group, and whispered, "This way." He pointed to the right and took the lead.

He led the group to the edge of a large building, then began making his way alongside it. Suddenly, shouting broke out ahead, and the five of you drew your weapons.

"Careful now," Kraglin said quietly.

As you got closer to the front of the building, the shouting grew louder, and you could hear the unmistakable sounds of weapons firing, as well as the distinct sound of Yondu's whistle.

Kraglin reached the corner of the building, carefully stuck his head around, then motioned the group forward. There were a couple of Ravagers fighting guards in front of the building, but clearly the main battle was inside. The five of you took care of the few outside, then made your way into the building.

There were definitely more guards here than the reconnaissance crew had anticipated, and you knew Yondu would not be happy with them when this was all over.

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